
Google Classroom makes it easy to create assignments and collect work from students. Google Classroom should be the digital hub for your classroom!

Organize with Topics

Keep the Classwork tab organized by using Topics. You could create a Topic for each unit and all materials, assignments and questions that relate to that unit would be assigned that Topic. Or you could create a Topic for each week with all materials, assignments and questions for that week assigned to that Topic.

Create Assignment

To create an assignment, click Create.

When creating an assignment, keep the title short and use the instructions area for your detailed instructions. You can attach a file, video or link. You can assign the same assignment to multiple classes. You can post the assignment immediately, schedule a date and time for the post to go live or save the post as a draft. You can set a due date and time - assignments with a due date will be added to the class calendar. Assignments default to no due date so if you want it due on a particular date, be sure you change it. You can create topics for each assignment. The Classwork tab can then be filtered by topic so students (and teachers) can find things quicker. You can set a point total for the assignment or set it to Ungraded. You can create a Rubric to grade the assignment.

Give Students a Template

It is easy to create a template in Drive to give your students a place to start. A template can be created from a Doc, Slides, Drawings and added to Classroom for your students to access. If you have a HyperDoc that you want each student to fill out, use the Drive option to attach the HyperDoc and select Make a copy for each student. Each student gets his or her own copy and your original HyperDoc or template is unchanged.

Have Students Create Drive File in Assignment

You want students to create a Doc, Sheet, Slide, Drawing for an assignment. Post the assignment to Google Classroom with the instructions to use the Create option to create the document. Students don't need to go out to Drive to create a new document and the assignment is named for them. When they are finished they select Turn In to submit the assignment.

Collect Digital Creations Other Than Google Files

Perhaps you have asked students to create a Voki or use Vocaroo to record themselves reading. You can use Google Classroom to collect those assignments and any other assignment created in any web app.