Meet Information




The Norfolk Track and Field Classic will be held on April 27, 2023 at the Norfolk Senior High Track and Field Facility.  Starting time for Field Events is 4:00 p.m. with Running Events to begin at 5:00 p.m.  The Track and Field Classic will feature athletes from across Northeast Nebraska in a fast moving no prelims format.  The athletes competing are selected based on the times, distances, or heights submitted by their coaches since the beginning of the 2023 track season.  Eight individuals are selected in all field events, relays, and races run in lanes, twelve competitors are allowed to compete in races not run in lanes.  In the case of ties on the track a tie breaker system is used. In field event ties are all allowed to participate. 

The following information maybe beneficial for all participants and fans. 

1.  Cost for admission to the 2023 Norfolk Track and Field Classic is: $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students.

2.  Once the Running Events begin the gate to the track on the south end of the bleachers will be locked to prevent non participants from accidentally interfering with a race. Participants, coaches, and fans may enter the track area on the North side of the bleachers beyond the fence. 

3.  A concessions stand and bathroom facility is located on the south side of the bleachers for your use. 

4.  Awards for the top six finishers in all individual events will be presented in front of the grandstand as soon as possible following the event.  Awards for the first place relay teams will be presented on the awards stand.  Relays teams finishing second through sixth awards will be given to the coaches.  Coaches may pick-up the second through sixth place awards in the press box following the conclusion of the relay. 

5.  T-shirt prices this year are $15.00.


updated: 4/26/23