General Information

Community Integration and Employment Services

Call (712) 258-3576 to schedule a consultation with NPI staff or to arrange a tour of our facilities!

Established Working Relationships with:

    • Iowa's Managed Care Organizations
    • Home and Community Based Services
    • Department of Human Services
    • Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
    • Northwest AEA
    • Iowa Department for the Blind
    • Various Community School Districts
    • Siouxland Area Businesses

Accreditation & Funding:

    • NPI consistently provides quality services. Consistently receiving three-year CARF accreditation since 1987, the longest term that can be awarded. CARF is an organization dedicated to promoting quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services provided to people with developmental disabilities.
    • The services provided by NPI may be funded by Iowa's Managed Care Organizations or by private pay. We can assist and facilitate the process of funding through any of these sources.
    • Members that apply and are accepted for services by NPI will begin a program within 10 days of funding availability. We currently have no waiting list.