Frequently Asked Questions

Community Employment Services

Q: Why should I choose NPI for Community Employment Services? How are they different from other companies?

A: NPI offers flexible, consumer driven, and outcome-based services. Our goal is to partner with your funding agent to help you achieve employment goals that are consistent with your talents, strengths, and needs. The ultimate outcome is to assist you in becoming employed.

Q: What employment credentials does NPI have?

A: NPI currently employs Employment Consultants that have earned a Certificate in Employment Services. Each Employment Consultant is dedicated to providing quality services to persons served, employers, and partner agencies.

Q: Who pays for the services NPI provides?

A: NPI’s Community Employment Services receives funding from Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and the current Iowa Managed Care Organizations. One of these agencies may be able to provide funding for services you receive from NPI.

Q: Will I lose my benefits?

A: There are many answers to this question and they're different for each individual. If you have questions, please reach out to us to discuss your options; or for more information on SSI & SSDI and how being employed may affect your benefits, please use this link: .

Q: How long does it take to get a job?

A: At NPI Community Employment, we want to match you with the right employer. We believe in taking time to find the right job that meets your skills, needs, and abilities. We also want to find you a job you will enjoy!

Q: I can get a job, but struggle to maintain it. Can NPI help me?

A: NPI provides Job Coaching Services to assist you with maintaining your employment. We will work with you to determine if you are eligible for short or long-term services.

Q: How do I get started?

A: You may enroll for NPI services through your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor or your Community Based Case Manager. Once you have chosen NPI to assist you, a Certified Employment Specialist will call you to discuss necessary services and supports.