North Penn High School Theatre 

& Thespian Troupe 5464

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Supporting Educational Theatre for 50+ Years at North Penn High School

    Theatre is for everyone. "Theatre is Life!" 

Students. Friends. Families. Community.   

FIND your theatre experience below & CLICK on links

 Photographs courtesy of Lou Liguori Photography unless otherwise noted


Theatre Arts, along with Dance, Media, Music, and Visual Arts, are more important than ever in the Time of Covid-19.  Curated by the Educational Theatre Association & dozens of other National Education Arts Organizations.  

and others agree

Pennsylvania Arts Education Organizations in Dance, Media, Music, Theatre & Visual Arts address the increased importance of arts education in the Time of Covid.

Arts Education Partnership

Theatre Counts: How Theatre Education Transforms Students' Lives

Video EDition Remote - Episode 46 - June 11, 2020  - Discussion with Nathan Mains, President of PSBA and representatives from PA Arts Education Organizations including Andrea Lee Roney, NPHS Theatre & Thespian Teacher & Director, PA Thespian Chapter Governing Board, and Educational Theatre Association Advocacy Leadership Network

“Courtesy of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association” 

Educational Theatre Association Research & Reports