Mattie Griswold

hard-working | dedicated | responsible | focused | successful

Classical Instrumental-.mp4

Message from Classical Instrumental Chair, Dr. Hristo Birbochukov

Mattie (James) Griswold was chosen as this year's President Honors recipient from the Classical Instrumental Department, because he exemplifies a successful NOCCA student.

It has truly been a pleasure for the faculty and myself to witness Mattie’s artistic and character growth at NOCCA. Even though he will not be pursuing music performance as a career path in his future, Mattie maintained fully dedicated and passionate about his art throughout the whole course of music study at NOCCA.

His years of hard work and strong commitment to artistic and academic excellence at NOCCA have prepared him to be a resilient, responsible, creative young adult and I have no doubt he will be a very successful and productive member of his community.