
Courses taught by Dr. Piyasena

CHEM 1225 - General Chemistry II (undergrad)

This course emphasizes the properties of solutions, basic chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, chemical equilibria including acids, bases, buffers, and red-ox reactions, electrochemistry, and an introduction to nuclear chemistry. 

CHEM 3011 - Quantitative Chemical Analysis (undergrad)

This course emphasizes fundamental theory and techniques in traditional chemical analysis, measurement, statistics, volumetric and gravimetric analysis, equilibrium and pH studies, basic electrochemical techniques, and introduction to spectroscopy.

CHEM 4011 - Advanced Instrumental Methods (undergrad)

This course emphasizes the theory and applications of various calibration methods, components in chemical analysis, signal and noise in measurements, selected atomic and molecular spectroscopic techniques, and introduction to chemical separation methods.

CHEM 4012/5012 - Bioanalytical Chemistry (undergrad/grad)

This course emphasizes selected bio-analytical techniques: Purification techniques in bioanalysis, Identification techniques for proteins, peptides, and lipids, Immunological techniques in bioanalysis, Chemical modification of biological compounds, Biomimetics, Microfluidics and Biosensors, UV and Fluorescence-based spectroscopic techniques used in bioanalysis, Selected topics in chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques.

CHEM 4013/5013 - Separation Science  (undergrad/grad)

This course emphasizes the theory and practice of separation science.  Topics include selective mass transport, extraction, chromatography, electrophoresis, and new concepts in chemical separation.  

STCH 5050 - Chemistry for Educators

Chemistry for Educators is intended to serve as an introduction to the fundamentals of chemistry and its applications. It will cover the core Chemistry topics required by the Next Generation Science Standards. In this course, students will be introduced to measurements in chemistry, atoms and elements, molecules and compounds, chemical composition and reactions, chemical forces and interactions, solutions, and basic concepts in nuclear chemistry.