Berkley & Gibbs Elementary Schools

Q: If we decide to opt-in for fully remote learning, would there be an option for in-person learning later in the year when the situation with the pandemic improves?

A: Yes, there will be an option for students to transition back into the classroom. The Superintendent, working with the Board of Education, is writing a policy outlining the timeline requirements. Options to change will be available each trimester at the elementary leve.

Q: How often will Berkley and Gibbs students (whose parents opt for in-person learning) receive it?

A: Students will be in school two days a week based on the half-day schedule outlined in the re-opening plan.

Q: New Jersey public schools offer parents an option for all-remote instruction. What will this schedule look like and how does it compare to the district’s proposed elementary hybrid schedule? Which is better?

A: Whatever any parent decides is best for their situation is the right choice for them. Each plan addresses New Jersey Student Learning Standards in all subject areas. Teachers will implement lesson plans with rigor, and differentiated based on students' needs.

Elementary hybrid instruction described in the presentation allows for smaller class sizes, in-person attention, and direct connections two days per week with the teacher and classmates while practicing social distancing. On Wednesdays, all students will have remote instruction and follow a four-hour schedule, including academic subjects, a special (art, music, phys ed, world language, etc), and some related services for other students, too. On the remote days of the hybrid schedule, students will still connect with a specialist and/or their homeroom teacher online to check in during the day, and also work on a project-based learning assignment, a flipped classroom, or independent work that will be necessary for their next live lesson. As they were from March through June, teachers may be available during the afternoon hours to connect with students and parents, too, and they will have time available for extra help as needed.

The option for all-remote instruction in the elementary schools pairs students with a teacher whose assignment is to work with students by grade level, or if the class size is smaller, with a blended multi-grade class. Students will follow a combination of a synchronous and asynchronous learning, similar to what our third through fifth graders followed from March 16 through June during the previous school year. Using a district-assigned chromebook or a device supplied from home, if preferred, the student will log on using Google Classroom and/or Google Meet at 8:30 a.m. and follow a regular academic schedule. This includes a daily special (art, music, phys ed, world language, library/media, etc).

The daily schedule for each option runs from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. After their lunch and planning period, teachers will may be additionally available until 3:10 p.m. or later.

Q: When will we know in which cohort our elementary aged children will be placed?

A: Students will generally be placed into cohorts by their last name, with A-J attending Mondays/Tuesdays and K-Z attending Thursdays/Fridays. If you have children with different last names, please be sure to email your school’s principal and administrative assistant. If your child will be carpooling with someone with a different last name, please email your school’s principal and administrative assistant to indicate your needs. Notices will be sent home with class assignments, including cohort, around the last week of August.

Q: Will cohorts (A-J and K-Z) be organized the same way in each building?

A: The elementary and middle schools are working to coordinate our groups of students based on siblings. The high school is operating on a different schedule and will not align with the middle and elementary schools. If, in the event siblings are scheduled for different days, we ask that you reach out to one of the building principals and we would collaborate to make a scheduling change.

Q: Will Chromebooks be used for in-person instruction?

A: In Grades 3-5, yes. Students must come to school with the devices fully charged. As long as the Chromebook is working properly, it will last for the duration of the school day.

Q: Will all students be attending school on the first day or are they going to be separated right away?

A: All of our students will not be going to school on the first day. Cohort A is scheduled to go on the first day (Tuesday, September 8). All students will be remote on Wednesday, September 9. Cohort B will be attend classes in the building on Thursday and Friday, September 10 and 11.

Q: Will cohorts in the Hybrid Plan be switching days at some point?

A: No, cohorts will attend in-person instruction on either Mondays/Tuesdays or Thursdays/Fridays.

Q: If a child has to stay home due to fever or feeling sick, will they be able to do remote learning?

A: Our regular practice remains in place for the elementary schools: The first day that a child is home sick, there is no work assigned so that the child could have a chance to recover. A homework request can be submitted to the teacher beginning with the second day of any absence. There are no options for a child to join a remote group, other than Wednesdays when everyone is working remotely. These days will count as an absence from school.

If a student starts in-person learning but is uncomfortable, can they switch to remote learning?

A: Yes, as stated in Appendix Q or page 57 of the NMPSD Restart and Recovery Plan, students can opt-in or out of digital learning by submitting a written request to the Principal 30 days prior to the end of a marking period or trimester.

Should we be referencing the same supply list since the kids will be carrying around everything in their backpacks?

A: Families should start with the supplies listed on our website including two masks. One to be worn while at school and one as a back up to be kept in the backpack. If additional supplies are needed, we will notify parents.

Q: How will social emotional learning be addressed with primary grade students, especially when a lot of their learning is based around interacting with each other? Will they be allowed any interaction with their peers throughout the day, or will it be mostly independent play?

A: Play and social interaction can exist while practicing social distancing. The elementary school counselors routinely provide character education lessons for all elementary students, including K and 1. During the remote instruction for all between March and June, our primary grade teachers developed great online activities to foster fun, playful, and social interaction among students.

Q: How will the IBC and LLD special education programs be structured in school?

A: Children in the IBC and LLD programs attending in-school will have the same hybrid schedule. More information is available from your child’s case manager or teacher.

Q: What type of instrumental instruction will be available?

A: Instrumental instruction will be provided by the elementary music teachers. This will be done in small groups online. There will be “virtual” performances by various cohorts throughout the school year. The status of elementary choral groups will be determined and announced at the start of the school year for students.

Q: Will there be any knightcare for parents who cannot get their children right at 12:30pm on the days they are in school?

A: At this time there is no KnightCare. Parents must make arrangements to have someone pick up their child at 12:30 p.m. from their classroom door or at a designated meeting space.

Q: How will fire drills and school security drills be conducted?

A: Students will remain socially distanced during fire drills, evacuation drills, and shelter-in-place drills. The State has advised principals to practice lockdown drills with teachers, but to include students in the drill later in the school year or upon further instruction.

Q: Will older siblings still be allowed to walk to the younger sibling's class so that both children can come out through the same door?

A: Parents are encouraged to direct older siblings to a meeting spot outside of the school building - in the area of their youngest sibling’s classroom - upon dismissal.

Q: Are students in the self-contained special education programs able to attend school four days per week?

A: All students, including those in the LLD and IBC programs, will have the option of either the hybrid or all-remote options.

Q: Will there still be orientation for Kindergarten students?

A: Orientation was held for parents in May, and students were invited to watch the Zoom presentation to meet the teachers. If your child was not registered for Kindergarten by our orientation date, our Main Office Administrative Assistants can provide you with essential information. Additional questions can be directed to your building principal.

Q: Will my child have a chromebook to use?

A: Students in grades 3-12 are provided with a district-issued chromebook. Additional chromebooks have been ordered and we anticipate that we can provide a device to other students in K-2 as needed, if they do not have a device to use at home.

Q: Can my kindergartner use a chromebook?

A: Kindergartners are able to use chromebooks in school fairly early in the school year. We understand that they will need support from an adult when logging on and getting set up until some of the features and online tools become familiar.

Q: Who do I contact for technical support?

A: Send an email to Your message will be seen by our tech team and should receive a response shortly. It is best to send the message from the student’s email address (

Q: Will physical education occur in the Gym on days when the weather is bad?

A: Physical education will be conducted either remotely or via streaming into the classroom during inclement weather.