Component 3

Component 3: Teaching Practice and Learning Environment ... 60 - 100 hours time commitment

This is a classroom-based portfolio entry that requires video recordings of interactions between candidates and their students. Two written commentaries, in which the candidate describes, analyzes and reflects on their teaching and interactions will also be submitted. Both the videos and the written commentaries should demonstrate how candidates engage students and impact their learning. 

Component 3 Graphic Organizer

Use the Submission at a Glance Page as well as the portfolio directions to fill in the blanks on this graphic organizer for Component 3. 

Component 3 Scavenger Hunt

Once you have completed the graphic organizer above for Component 3, use your directions to complete the Component 3 Scavenger Hunt questions. Answers to the questions may be different for different certificate areas. 

Videos of Accomplished Teaching 

ATLAS for Candidates : View select videos from past National Board Candidates