Component 2

Component 2: Differentiation in Instruction ... 60 - 100 hours time commitment

This classroom-based portfolio entry is primarily comprised of samples of student work and an accompanying written commentary. Candidates will submit selected work samples that demonstrate the students’ growth over time and a written commentary that analyzes the candidate’s instructional choices. 

*The NMNBCTNetwork recommends teachers starting the process prior to completing 3 years of teaching start with Component 2. However, teachers should prioritize completing the NM Professional Development Dossier in the 3rd year of teaching before starting the National Board Process. 

Component 2 Scavenger Hunt

Use your certificate area Component 2 directions to answer the following questions. You may find it helpful to create a graphic organizer similar to those in Component 3 and 4. 

Each certificate area has very different requirements for Component 2. For this reason, it is not possible to create a generic graphic organizer for everyone.