43 Spruce Avenue, P.O.Box 640 Lewisporte, NL, A0G 3A0  | Telephone   (709) 535-2115   Fax (709) 535-0480


Safe Arrival

School reopens for all students on September 4, 2023.  If you are new to our area and have a child who needs to be registered please call (709) 535-2115 beginning August 27th or email lewisporteacademy@nlesd.ca

***Our Lewisporte Academy Facebook group page will have the most recent updated information.  Please request to join the group if you have a child attending our school.


Visit and sign up for our private Facebook group (Lewisporte Academy) for more information - Immediate family members only. You must answer all questions and accept the rules before you will be approved.

Frequent Links

School Closures - School Status Report


It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the school each year if your child is anaphylactic to certain foods and update their child's Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan. 

Allergy forms and information

Below are current allergies at Lewisporte Academy. Please DO NOT pack items in your child's lunch or recess that may contain these items:

Peanuts, Nuts (All), Eggs (Raw), Shellfish

Drop off and pick up

Morning arrival - drop off and "walkers":  Please try to avoid dropping off students on the front steps before 8:35 AM.  The doors cannot be opened before 8:35 AM due to supervision policies and students will congregate too close together at the door waiting to get in.  For "walkers", it is better to allow them to walk from home at a time that will get them here after 8:35 AM when the doors are open.  

Reminder to our community: Lewisporte Academy has security cameras on its premises.