Cell Phone Use

Expected Behavior:

Cell phone use will not be permitted during instructional time unless it is being used for teacher directed educational purposes. Students (Grades 7 – 12) can use their cell phones during recess and lunch time.


Cell phone technology allows students to chat, to send and receive messages, to bully others, just to name a few. While there is a place for them and they can be a valuable tool they can also be a distraction to classroom instruction and are therefore not permitted.

Expected Student Action:

When students enter a classroom, they will place their cell phone in the collection container at the front of the room and will not collect them until instructed to do so at the end of the period.


  • If caught using a cell phone during instructional time (regardless of location), the teacher will take the phone and turn it in to the office. Student can pick up their phone at the end of the day.
  • If caught a second time (Monday to Friday) the phone will be turned in to the office and a parent will have to pick up the phone.
  • Any student refusing to hand over a phone or to place it in the collection container will be sent to the office.
  • If the student still refuses to hand over the phone while in the office, home will be contacted. A parent/guardian will be asked to come to the school and take the phone or student home for the remainder of the day.

It is the responsibility of the teacher to write the infraction in the CELL PHONE binder located in the office.