Post-Exposure Forms

NKY Health's Safety Manual
  • Replaces: Supersedes all previous information on the same topic
  • Reviewed: Annually
  • Section Revised: Split form Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Exposure Control Plan and  Moved to Google Sites 1/1/2022; revised 1/1/2022,
  • Contact: Employee Health Nurse

Medwatch Adverse Event Form (FDA Form 3500)

Use this form to document medication errors and employee exposure to BBPs. 


Physician Letter / Physician Treatment Form

Use this form to obtain physician statements regarding an employee's exposure to BBPs at work.   

Physician Letter.pdf

Post Exposure Incident Consent Form - Exposed Employee Form

Use this form to obtain consent for testing from an employee who has been exposed to a BBP at work.  

Post Exposure Employee.pdf

Post Exposure Incident Consent Form - Source Individual Form

Use this form to obtain consent for testing from the source of an employee exposure to a BBP.  

Post Exposure Source.pdf

St. Elizabeth Exposure Lab Requisition -Source Patient and Employee

Exposure-Lab Requisition-St. Elizabeth rev. 12-7-21.pdf

This form should accommodate the Employee to Business Health or the Emergency Department

This form should also accommodate the Source patient's blood to the St. Elizabeth Lab

24 hour courier to St. Elizabeth Lab-(859) 301-2170  to request pick-up and delivery

Sharps Injury Log Form

Use this form to record specific information about sharps injuries as they occur at your site.

Sharps Injury Log Form.doc

Consult the Employee Health Nurse with questions about these forms.