Procedures for Reporting Employee Incidents

NKY Health's Safety Manual
  • Replaces: Supersedes all previous materials on the same topic
  • Reviewed: Annually
  • Section Revised: Separated from Incident Management and Moved to Google Sites 1/1/2022, 1/1/2022, 2/1/2022
  • Contact: Head of Human Resources 

All incidents must be reported.  No incident is too small or too insignificant to report.

Reporting ALL Employee Incidents

Immediately Upon Learning of an Incident

As soon as you learn of a work-related incident, you or a designee must follow these steps: 

Within 24 Hours of the Incident

When the incident involves and emergency, print the completed Form IA-1 Workers Compensation First Report of Injury or Illness from AdobeSign and fax it to the Workers’ Compensation carrier within 24 hours of the incident.

Within 48 Hours of the Incident

When the incident is NOT an emergency, print the completed Form IA-1 Workers Compensation First Report of Injury or Illness from AdobeSign and fax it to the Workers’ Compensation carrier within 48 hours of the incident.

The Workers' Compensation carrier must receive this form before they will authorize care for the employee.

Within 7 Calendar Days

When an incident is recordable, contact the site manager to record it on the OSHA – 300 Log within seven (7) calendar days of the day you receive information that confirms it is recordable. 

(Refer to Guidelines for OSHA 300 Form Recordable Cases for more information about what is or is not recordable according to OSHA. Refer to Instructions for Completing OSHA 300/300A Form for instructions on completing the form and for a sample of a completed form.)


Email the head of Human Resources as you learn any details related to the incident (days missed from work, medical attention sought, etc.)

Reporting Employee Incidents Involving Death, Hospitalization, Amputations and/or Loss of an Eye

In addition to the steps outlined in the "Reporting ALL Employee Incidents" section above:

You may make the reports to OSHA by telephone or in person to the Area Office of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. Department of Labor nearest to the site of the incident. You may also use the OSHA toll-free central telephone number, 1-800-321-OSHA (1-800-321-6742).

You may make the report to KYOSH by telephone at (502) 564-3070. If you become aware of the incident during non-business hours and no one is available at this number, then call again the next business day and provide details about the date and time and who took the report at OSHA.

Routing Forms

Route completed forms as follows:


Employee Incident Report Employee Incident Report - Employee Statement and Certification Form Automatically Routed
Employee Incident Report - Manager Statement and Certification Form Automatically Routed

First Report of Injury Employee Incident Print and Fax to Carrier; Automatically routed internally

Visitor Incident Report Visitor Incident Report - Employee Statement and Certification Form Automatically Routed
Visitor Incident Report - Manager Statement and Certification Form Automatically Routed

Source Individual Consent BBP exposure Employee Health Nurse

Physician Treatment BBP exposure Employee Health Nurse

MedWatch Device failures/Drug reactions Employee Health Nurse

VAERS Adverse event after immunization Employee Health Nurse