Safety Manual:
Worksite Emergency Plan

NKY Health Safety Manual
  • Replaces: Supersedes all previous information on the same topic
  • Reviewed: Annually
  • Section Revised: 8/2000, 1/1/2011, 1/1/2012, 1/1/2013, 1/1/2014, 1/1/2015, 1/1/2016, 1/1/2017, 1/1/2018, 1/1/2019, 1/1/2020; Moved to Google Sites 1/1/2022; revised 1/1/2022, 1/1/2024
  • Contact: Safety Staff

Purpose of Plan

The purpose of this plan is to minimize the risk to the safety and health of all staff and visitors at every NKY Health site and to provide for a safe response to an emergency or evacuation event. 

Applicability of Plan

This plan applies to all NKY Health staff while working in a NKY Health facility. Section 3: Home and Field Visit Safety of the Safety Manual provides additional guidance for NKY Health staff who perform NKY Health activities in other settings.

Staff Training and Responsibility

In order to ensure the safest possible response to an emergency:

Initial training is in the form of self-paced modules and training records for NKY Health Employees are maintained in a learning management system and/or personnel files.

Designation of Site Coordinator

The following staff shall function as the usual site coordinators:

Each usual site coordinator will designate two (2) staff at their site to assist and provide back-up in an emergency event.

Notifications for Emergencies 

As soon as practical, the site coordinator for the affected site must notify by phone the Director of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S). The Director of EH&S will notify the Division Director of the affected Division. The Director of EH&S will instruct the site coordinator on the recommended actions to be taken at the affected site.

If the Director of EH&S cannot be reached immediately, notification must be attempted in the order listed below until a person-to-person contact is made:

The Director of EH&S will ensure the District Director of Health, the Human Resources Administrator, and all Directors are notified of the incident using the most appropriate and expedient communication methods available. Contact information for the Directors is disseminated and updated as needed.

In the event of a building evacuation, use the primary assembly area for that site. The site coordinator will direct all persons to an alternate area if the primary area is inaccessible, unsafe or if the incident requires. Primary assembly areas for each NKY Health building are as follows:

Boone County Heath Center

Upper level grassy area parallel to KY 18/Burlington Pike

Campbell County Health Center

Primary for fire and other emergencies:  Far end of the parking lot 

Secondary location: Newport City Hall, 998 Monmouth Street 

Grant County Health Center

Far side of the parking lot toward St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Kenton County Health Center

Far (south) side of the main parking lot 

District Office

Small (auxiliary) parking lot parallel to Veterans Memorial Drive

Emergency Shut Off Valves

Emergency shut off valves are labeled and accessible (with an appropriate key) in each of the NKY Health buildings. In the event of a fire or other emergency, the site coordinator may be asked the location of the following utilities by emergency services personnel.

Boone County Heath Center

Campbell County Health Center

The administration of the Campbell County Administration Building where the Health Center is located will be responsible for shutoff of utilities.

Grant County Health Center

Kenton County Health Center

District Office

Evacuation Plan

In the event of an emergency that requires evacuation of a NKY Health facility, all staff must take appropriate measures to remove themselves from danger. 

During an evacuation event at any NKY Health facility:

Emergency Eyewash Station

Each NKY Health facility has at least one eyewash station to be used when any individual's eyes have been exposed to a chemical, dust, or any substance that could impact eye health. 

Based on medical consultation and industry experience, the recommended time, in most instances, for flushing eyes is 15 minutes while holding eyelids open in clean cool running water. Use only cool water to prevent harmful burns and retard chemical reaction rates. 

To use the eyewash station, follow these steps:

The following are the locations of emergency eyewash stations throughout NKY Health facilities:


At the sink in each coffee station

Boone County Heath Center

Campbell County Health Center

Lab and hallway entering exam room area

Grant County Health Center


Kenton County Health Center

Lab in upper level

Fire Emergencies

Smoke Detectors

All NKY Health buildings are protected by automatic smoke detectors linked to NKY Health’s fire alarm / security system. When smoke is detected and the alarm is activated, a siren (an intermittent tone) or a clanging bell will sound throughout the entire building. There will also be a verbal warning expressed as "Fire, fire, leave the building immediately." As soon as the alarm is activated, emergency services will be dispatched to the site.

Fire Extinguishers

All NKY Health buildings are equipped with fire extinguishers for the use of those who have been formally trained by a certified professional in the proper use of fire extinguishers.

Fire Guidelines

When the fire alarm is activated with no apparent cause, follow these steps:

In the event of a known fire, follow these steps:

Sprinkler Systems

The following NKY Health buildings are protected by a sprinkler system:

When a fire occurs, the heat from the fire will activate the sprinkler system. Water will discharge from one or more sprinkler head(s) to contain the fire and continue to spray water until the system is shut off (by the fire department). As soon as the sprinkler system is activated, the alarm will be activated. As soon as the alarm is activated, emergency services will be dispatched to the site.

Severe Weather

Severe weather in the NKY Health’s jurisdiction may include but not be limited to: tornados, straight line winds, severe thunderstorms, flooding, or severe winter weather conditions.

During a Severe Weather Forecast

Severe Weather Guidelines

In the event of a tornado warning and/or a seek shelter alert, follow these steps:

Each county has warning sirens that are activated for a tornado warning and are used to alert residents who are outside. If you are caught outdoors, first try to seek shelter inside. If you are unable to seek shelter inside, lie flat in a nearby ditch or depression and cover your head with your hands. Be aware of the potential for flooding. Do not try to out-run a tornado. Retrieve any equipment only when it is safe to do so. 

In the event a tornado, high winds, or other severe weather has adversely impacted a NKY Health building and its staff:

Designated Severe Weather Shelter Areas

A primary shelter area is designated for each NKY Health building. The site coordinator will direct all persons to an alternate area if the primary area is inaccessible, unsafe or as the incident requires. Primary shelter areas for each NKY Health building are as follows:

Boone County Heath Center


Campbell County Health Center

Hallway outside exam rooms

Grant County Health Center

Hallway outside conference room

Kenton County Health Center

Lower level kitchen

District Office

Depending on where you are located in the building at the time of the alert, go to the closest of the following areas:

If you are in the…                         Then go to the…

Population Health Wing                  Case Management Suite

Environmental Health Wing            Environmental Health Laboratory

Clinical Services Wing                    Environmental Health Laboratory

Administrative Wing                        Environmental Health Laboratory

Conference/Training Room            Case Management Suite

Notes about Severe Weather Safety


Earthquakes occur with little or no warning.

Earthquake Guidelines

In the event that an earthquake or tremor is occurring, follow these steps:

In the event an earthquake has adversely impacted a NKY Health building and its staff:

Earthquake Tips

Following are some tips from the Kentucky Division of Emergency Management Earthquake Preparedness Program:

Hazardous Material-Related Incidents

A hazardous material incident would involve the intentional or accidental spill or release of any substance that could harm persons or the environment.

A hazardous material incident or other type of environmental incident may occur at any of the NKY Health’s buildings. These incidents may include but not be limited to spilling an entire bottle of bleach. In the event of a location-specific hazardous incident:

Hazardous Material Incident Guidelines

In the event of an outside threat involving a hazardous material related emergency for any NKY Health building, the site coordinator will follow instructions from emergency services personnel. Emergency services may order evacuation of an area that includes a NKY Health building or may order shelter-in-place at a NKY Health building. With a shelter-in-place order:

Hazardous Material Shelter-in-Place Specifics

In the event of a shelter-in-place order, the site coordinator will implement shelter-in-place guidelines and will take steps to seal off all entrance and exit doors from the inside and turn off air handling equipment. The following are the site-specific actions: 

Boone County Heath Center

Campbell County Health Center

Grant County Health Center

Kenton County Health Center

District Office

Carbon Monoxide Detection

All NKY Health buildings are equipped with monitors for evacuation level carbon monoxide gas detection (except for the Kenton County Health Center which has no gas). When the monitors sense an evacuation level of CO gas, a continuous alarm sounds at the keypad, a clanging bell rings throughout the building and the monitor that detected CO gas beeps at 5-second intervals. As soon as the alarm is activated, the security company notifies emergency services.

When the CO alarm is activated, staff and visitors must evacuate the building immediately following the evacuation plan in this manual.

Suspected Gas Leak

Natural gas is almost pure methane which does not have any odor. For safety purposes, odorants are added to natural gas.

When you smell odorized natural gas inside the building, follow these steps:

When you detect odorized natural gas outside the building/in the parking lot, follow these steps:

Bomb Threats

When a bomb threat is received in person (for example, a person walks in the door and states or displays that she/he has a bomb), follow the localized threat guidance.

When non-specific bomb threat is received (by letter, phone call, text, or e-mail) targeted to NKY Health staff or a NKY Health building, follow these steps:

Suspicious or Dangerous Object

A suspicious object may be a box, mailer, duffel bag, or other item that is left unattended inside or on the grounds of a NKY Health building. Inappropriate or unusual labeling or appearance; powder or other residue on the box or bag; weight, sounds and/or protruding wires may indicate the object may be a threat. A dangerous object may be drugs, drug paraphernalia, weapons, or anything else you perceive as a threat. In the event a suspicious or dangerous object is found inside or on the grounds of a NKY Health building, follow these steps:

When a suspicious object arrives by mail, follow the guidelines in the "Suspicious Mail / Package" section of the Mail and Packages policy.

Localized Incidents or Threats

A localized incident or threat may occur in the vicinity or on the grounds of any of the NKY Health’s buildings.

In the event of gunfire or other threatening disturbance in the vicinity of a NKY Health building:

When someone is inside an NKY Health building brandishing (waiving about) a weapon and/or with the intent and apparent means to do harm, please remember your Active Shooter training including Stop the Bleed techniques. For a refresher, see these on the Orientation site. In general:

Panic Buttons

Panic buttons are located at the main receptionist’s desk at the District office, and in clinic rooms and clinic clerical areas (front desks) at the Health Centers. When safe to do so, a panic button may be pressed when a staff member feels she/he is in a threatening situation that may result in harm to themselves or any other individual. When a panic button is pressed, law enforcement is dispatched to the site.

When a panic button is accidentally pressed, notify the site coordinator immediately.

Code Phrase for Assistance

At all NKY Health facilities, the code phrase “Dr. Armstrong” is to be utilized when a staff member feels she/he is in a threatening situation that may result in harm to themselves or any other individual. When a staff member feels threatened, she/he may:

For example: 

When any staff hears the code phrase, ”Dr. Armstrong,” s/he must immediately call 9-1-1 and report that a staff member is in danger or perceived danger. The 9-1-1 operator may ask for as many details as is known (clinic nurse in a clinic room with a man and woman, yelling was heard, nurse asked for Dr. Armstrong.) The 9-1-1 operator may relay instructions to the staff (for example, if it is safe, silently move as many persons as possible away from the threatening situation to a safe area inside or outside - locked conference room or neighboring building).     

As soon as practical, the site coordinator must be notified. The site coordinator will report on what is known to first arriving emergency services personnel. The site coordinator will follow the instructions from emergency services personnel (for example, move all persons farther away from the building, write down names of all persons in the building, or etc.)

The site coordinator will make the necessary notifications/situation updates to the appropriate Director regarding the emergency, any harm to individuals and any damage to the building or grounds and await further instruction. 

Disruptive or Aggressive Visitors or Clients

Visitors (those without previous HD business) or existing clients who are disruptive or aggressive in any NKY Health facility, mobile unit, or at an off-site program event will not be tolerated. 

In this section, visitors are defined as those persons who are not clients, meeting participants, or community partners. 

Any visitor or existing client who is exhibiting threatening or aggressive behavior, or appears intoxicated (under the influence of drugs or alcohol to the extent their faculties and behavior is compromised), will be asked to leave the building, mobile unit, or program without being served. Any staff member may call 9-1-1 or have cause to call 9-1-1 to have law enforcement respond to the site to take appropriate action, including escorting the visitor/client out of the facility or area for the protection of staff and other visitors and clients. Panic buttons may be utilized for this purpose.

If an existing client is agitated or disruptive behavior upon arrival, front office staff should ask for any supervisor to join them at the front desk area. Should an existing client becomes disruptive or aggressive in a clinic room, or at any time during the visit, the staff member serving the client will leave the room and ask for a supervisor to join her/him with the client.  Upon review of the situation, the supervisor will determine the appropriate next steps. These may include such actions as speaking with the client to de-escalate the client's behavior, seeing the client in a conference room with additional staff and a supervisor present, rescheduling the service for another day, or further actions as necessary including asking the clinet to leave and escorting them out of the building. If it is determined that the client must leave, but refuses, a staff member will call 9-1-1 to have law enforcement respond and take appropriate action, including escorting the client out of the facility or area.  Panic buttons may be utilized for this purpose, or if a staff member cannot leave a clinic or exam room due to a client's behavior or actions. 

A return visit for this client will be discussed with the supervisor, affected staff, and chain-of command including the Division Director. Return visits may include using a conference room instead of an office or clinic room, ensuring two staff members or a supervisor are present for this client, or other options as deemed appropriate. 

Medical Event - Injuries or Illness (see Safety Manual - Incident Management)