Safety Manual:
Home and Field Visit Safety

NKY Health Safety Manual
  • Replaces: Supersedes all previous information on the same topic
  • Reviewed: Annually
  • Section Revised: created 9/2002, 05/2007, 1/1/2011, 1/1/2013, 1/1/2014, 1/1/2018, 1/1/2020 ; Moved to Google Sites 1/1/2022; revised 1/1/2022, 1/1/2024
  • Contact: Safety Staff

Purpose of Plan

The purpose of this plan is to provide measures to promote home and field visit safety for all NKY Health staff. 

Applicability of Plan

This plan applies to anyone representing NKY Health on home or field visits, and represents a proactive philosophy of risk prevention among all NKY Health staff. A home or field visit is defined as any contact or attempt to contact a client and perform a service outside of/away from NKY Health facilities. Home and field visits include services performed as a preventative or program visit, during inspections and investigations, and at off-site events including but not limited to fairs, festivals, organizational events, or inside/outside a NKY Health mobile unit.

Staff Training and Responsibility

Prior to providing home and field visit services, all staff must review this document. When providing the services, they must follow the guidelines as stated herein. Training records for NKY Health Employees are maintained in a learning management system and/or personnel files

General Planning and Preparation

Prior to a Visit

Vehicle Use


The safety and well being of our staff is of critical importance to NKY Health. Therefore each of us has a responsibility to protect ourselves when on the road, but also do our part to protect others.

Staff required to drive on company business at any time must consistently:

Elevator Safety

Neighborhood Safety

At the Location

Leaving the Site

Personal Protective Measures

Dangerous Situations

By policy, staff safety always takes priority over performance of job duties and responsibilities. Staff must not hesitate to leave a location or terminate a visit if there is any doubt that their safety may be at risk.

In a Dangerous Situation or Threatened with a Dangerous Situation

Staff who find themselves in a dangerous situation, are threatened with a dangerous situation, or staff who are faced with a situation that becomes dangerous during a home or field visit must follow these steps:

Witness to a Dangerous Situation

Staff who witness a dangerous or violent situation but are not in danger themselves must follow these steps:

Handling Emergency / Threatening Situations

Additional Considerations

Safety is first and foremost.  Anytime you find yourself in an unsafe situation, you must remove yourself from that situation, obtain necessary emergency assistance, and then report the situation to your supervisor immediately.

When In a Facility 

If you are coordinating or participating in a program, event or meeting in a non-NKY Health facility, you must:

When Outdoors, Under a Canopy or Tent, or in a Mobile Unit

When you are coordinating or participating in an event in a NKY Health mobile unit, under a tent/awning, or other outdoor setting, you must: