Parent Resources for Reading 6

Donalyn Miller, author of The Book Whisperer as well as Reading in the Wild, discusses strategies to build a lifelong love of reading in your students.

Donalyn Miller: Cultivating Wild Readers

Here is a link to the NYS Department of Education's website for a variety of resources for parents and students that range from test preparation to homework resources and more!

Engage NY: Resources for Parents and Students

Scholastic Parents offers book recommendations, homework help, and more to help make learning fun. Visit for more expert advice on reading, learning, and raising well-rounded children.

Scholastic Parents

"The Power of Yet"

This one little word, says world-renowned Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, has the power to inspire your child to do incredible things.

Video: The Power of Yet

Learn more about the Common Core Learning Standards that NYS along with many other states in the U.S. have already adopted. Visit this site to learn more about what they are and why they are being implemented in so many states.

Common Core Learning Standards