
I am always trying to provide students and their families with as many resources as possible to utilize at home to assist them in this course.

Typically on Monday of each week I will update the homework for my class for the entire week on our team webpage at

The primary homework for this class will centered around outside reading. However, we occasionally will have additional homework such as Flocabulary and follow up activities on class assignments.

I always want to stress with my students and parents that homework is never meant to be a burdensome activity. I would encourage both my students and parents to reach out to me if this becomes to the case, so we can work together to make the homework meaningful and manageable.

*I will also be providing links to weekly assignments into one of 2 classrooms. The first will be your child's Reading 6 2019-2020 classroom. This is where we will have all of our weekly classwork (including Article of the Week work) for Reading 6. This classroom is where packets and reference materials will be posted for your use at home. I normally will also provide paper copies in class but wanted to have a back up if needed while you are working at home!

The other will be a joint classroom, Reading Buddies, where we will be joining in various conversations about outside reading with students from VanAntwerp Middle School with Mrs. Barber. This will be a new format for discussing literature this year with our students and we are excited to see what our students have to share. Know that this classroom will be paperless and just centered around what students have to share in on-line conversations about literature in our Google stream for this.

They can be accessed using the following steps.

Please note that some of these screenshots were from 2018-2019 school year that students had utilized so you will see a different title for the classrooms but all of the other information will be consistent with what you will see for the current school year.

1. Have your child log into their Niskayuna Central School Google Drive using the log in information provided on their schedule, into their Chromebook.

Please know that we will be doing extensive work with this in the first few weeks to assist students in becoming familiar with this process so it will become second nature to them.

2. Once logged in, students should go to using the Chrome browser and click on the 3x3 box in the upper right corner of the page.

3. Once you click on this box, you will find a number of apps available. Click on the Classroom app.

4. Once in classroom, you should go to your Reading OR Reading Buddies icon in your classroom.

5. Once there, you will see the stream for my class. This will have updates on assignments, links to websites/assignment documents if you need one. Below you will see how I posted our Reading 6 Course Outline for students to view. Although it was posted under classwork, it also comes up in our stream for your reference! Once you click on the assignment, you can see notes on what it is and a link to the actual document!

6. Because this feed will be continually updated and it might be hard to find items posted earlier in the year since items are posted chronologically. You can always use the Topic Tabs that are in bold above an assignment like below. You will see that we have a topics of Reading 6 Course Outline and Flocabulary listed below. It should make scanning to find an assignment easier for you!

As always, if you are having difficulty accessing these items for my class, don't hesitate to reach out - I am always here to help!

Know that below I have listed my Google Classroom codes should you need them to get access to the Google Classrooms listed in the directions above!

Google Classroom Codes for Reading (Bonczkowski)