September 2023 Newsletter 

Upcoming Events- Mark your calendars  

September 9, 9-noon


Wind Ensemble, Symphonic and Concert Band will get uniforms, pay fees, sign up for private lessons. This will be a huge Fine Arts Event!  (You do not have to be there for all three hours. It is come and go and should only take 15-30 min depending on lines. This is NOT for Beginning Band.)

September 11-- Fundraiser kickoff! Be thinking of friends/ family who would be willing to support you and the AMS Band!

September 15- Band Fees Due, please see below for details

September 25- All Region Boot Camp! 5:30-8:00 at Worthington. Wind Ensemble only, pizza dinner provided. 

October 1- School owned maintenance fees due

October 2 

NISD Band Showcase, NISD Stadium

Required for all Wind Ensemble, Symphonic, and Concert Band students

October 6- Wind Ensemble pep band at Schluter for EHS Homecoming 

October 7 and 9-- All District Auditions (Wind Ensemble only)

October 17, 5:00

AMS Football game at the EHS JV Stadium 

Wind Ensemble, Symphonic, and Concert Band-- We will meet in the band hall/ cafeteria after school and walk over to Eaton. We will play for part of the 8th grade B Game, and all of the A Game. We usually finish around 7:30-8:00, but that is dependent on the game. Students will be allowed to text parents before we walk back to school. We will send more details through Parent Square/ Email. Please be sure to read them. 

October 19- 8th grade night with the Eaton Band! 

October 23- Fall Concert-- Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble

October 25 and 28-- All Region Auditions (Wind Ensemble only)


October 30- Beginning Band Demonstration Concerts (group time details TBD)

7/8 Grade Band News

We've gotten started on our pep band music AND fall concert music!! 

What should you hear being practiced?

ALL 7/8 GRADE BAND STUDENTS NEED THEIR  FLIP FOLDERS BY FRIDAY SEPT 22, so we can practice with them before our performance at the NISD Showcase on Oct. 2. 

Regular flip folder

Flute or French horn flip folders. Concert French horns do not typically use lyres, so students often use a trumpet lyre or the flute folder on the arm. 

Examples of lyres. Be sure to choose the correct one for your instrument, and make sure you can return it if it doesn't fit correctly. Taking the instrument with you to Bell's to pick out the lyre is often the best if it's possible. 

Metronome/ Tuner clip

If you missed the parent meeting, you can access the 7/8 grade slides by clicking HERE. 

7/8 Grade Band Handbook and acknowledgement form can be found HERE. Everyone is required to fill this out. 

Parent Square

The district has asked us to transition away from using Remind 101 by January of this year, and only use Parent Square for communication. However, we need to be sure that all 7/8 grade students are receiving Parent Square messages as text notifications on their phones. We know that when we are traveling, our kids are not checking their emails! So we need to have a way to communicate with them immediately should the need arise. Parents, please help your students to install the "Student Square" app on their phones and configure their settings to receive instant text alerts. Parents, please do this as well. If our buses are running late due to traffic and your kids' phones are dead, you will want to be able to hear from us! :) 


Program fees by group:

T-Shirt-- $15

Beginning Band-- $20

Concert Band-- $30

Symphonic Band-- $30

Wind Ensemble-- $40

School Owned Maintenance Fee for all Tubas, Euphoniums, French Horns, Oboes, Bassoons, Tenor/ Bari Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, or any other district owned woodwind or brass instrument-- $100

School Owned Maintenance Fee for 7/8 Grade Percussionists-- $50

(Beginning Band percussionists are not required to pay this fee.)

How to Pay Band Fees ONLINE:

See the QR and information below. 

Private Lessons

The beginning of the year GREAT time to get started in private lessons!  Our teachers are back on campus teaching in person. Check out the Private Lesson tab on the website. You can also enroll in lessons by clicking HERE, and we will put you in contact with the appropriate teacher.  Email Mrs. Northam if you have any questions about private lesson opportunities. 

                            To enroll CLICK HERE!

Jazz Band

Jazz Band is officially starting this week! The first rehearsal is on Wednesday, August 31st from 4:20-5:30. If your student is interested and has not already done so, please communicate with Mr. Koch.
If your student has a conflict with a rehearsal, please email Mr. Koch as soon as possible at

Adams Video.MOV

Check out what some of our Adams alumni have to say about marching band! They're doing an awesome job up at Eaton!


Beginning Band students have been learning the fundamentals of music, such as rhythm and note names. We have learned about posture and breathing, and have started learning to put our instruments together. We have made sounds on our mouthpieces and we are looking forward to first instrument sounds! 

Please remember that instruments will be sent home when we feel students have a good grasp of how to handle them properly and have established good habits in the classroom under our supervision. This will look different for each class. "TRUST THE PROCESS!"

*Tuba players may now arrange to come to the school to pick up home tubas. You can meet your student with their tuba AFTER 4:30 in the back parking lot near the band hall. Otherwise, they will need to carry the tuba to the car line. PLEASE do not drive to the back when the buses are in the pick up lanes.  

What should students be "practicing" at home? 

If you missed the parent meeting, you can access the Beginning Band slides by clicking HERE

Beginning Band Handbook and Google Form acknowledgement can be found HERE. Everyone is required to fill out this form. 

Check out these pictures from Beginning Band!