Dissemination & Impact

Dissemination and impact are crucial to getting the most out of research for the benefit of patients and professionals. Below we provide links to papers and guidance to allow you to make the biggest impact from your work.

Follow the links below to find out more.

The NIHR provide information through the Dissemination Centre.

The Health Foundation has produced an excellent resource for communication.

PLOS have recently provided useful guidance on writing scientific papers. These ten simple rules will help you communicate the main ideas of your paper making your paper more influential and the process of writing more enjoyable.

The BMJ provide a useful guide to writing clear and effective discussions for paper.

Blog writing is another key vehicle for communicating your message. If you are considering posting a blog on evidence based subjects you need to consider these twelve rules.

Make sure the words you use do not mean something else to others. The link above will take you to a short video by the Wellcome Trust showing five examples of scientific lingo to use with caution.

We frequently want policymakers to take notice of our evidence and translate it into practice (although there are many reasons why they might not value our evidence as much as we do).

The UK Parliament provides guidance on getting involved: