EMIS quick guides

Quick guidance - for specific tasks in EMIS commonly used in study delivery

The videos in this section have been designed in order for you to quickly access guidance in order to complete common tasks involved with Primary Care research delivery.

Guidance for facilitators & nurses - Searches

EMIS Short - Install & Run a search.mp4

Install & run a search

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to upload an XML search file to EMIS

  • Followed by how to run the search file in 'Population Reporting'

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at rost.crnwestmidlands@nihr.ac.uk

EMIS Short - Review the content within a search (Via the 'Definition' tab).mp4

Review the search content

  • Step-by-step instructions on how review the criteria included within the design of an EMIS search

  • This process is completed via the 'Definition' tab in 'Population Reporting'

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at rost.crnwestmidlands@nihr.ac.uk

EMIS Short - Using 'Check Patient'.mp4

Check why a patient has been found by a search

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to check the reason for a patient being identified by an EMIS search

  • This process is completed via the 'Check Patient' option within 'Population Reporting'

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at rost.crnwestmidlands@nihr.ac.uk

EMIS Short - Death & Departure Check Process.mp4

Death & Departure check process

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to check if any patients successfully screened by the GP, have subsequently either left the practice or dissented from research, whilst the screening process was taking place.

  • This process is completed during the second visit to a GP Site following the completion of GP screening

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at rost.crnwestmidlands@nihr.ac.uk

How to generate a random selection of patients from the search results

Guidance for facilitators & nurses - Reports

Building reports in EMIS.mp4

Building a 'List report'

  • Step-by-step instructions on how create a 'List Report' in EMIS to enable an extraction of a patient list

  • Followed by how to run a search file in order to populate the created report in 'Population Reporting'

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at rost.crnwestmidlands@nihr.ac.uk

Viewing and exporting reports from EMIS.mp4

Viewing & exporting reports

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to view the results of a search in 'List Report' format

  • Followed by how to export the report file from 'Population Reporting'

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at rost.crnwestmidlands@nihr.ac.uk

Guidance for nurses - screening patients identified by a search

EMIS Short - Screening Patients (Nurse Support).mp4

'Screening' patients

  • Step-by-step instructions on how 'screen' a patient record for suitability for invitation to a research study

  • Includes how to access & search certain areas of the patient record for the required information

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at rost.crnwestmidlands@nihr.ac.uk

Guidance for nurses - Using a template - Importing > Activating > Using > Saving

EMIS Short - Templates > Import, Activate, Launch, Save.mp4

Using a template

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to utilise a template for recording data within a research appointment

  • Includes guidance on how to Install & activate a template within 'Template Manager' in EMIS

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at rost.crnwestmidlands@nihr.ac.uk

Guidance for facilitators & nurses - Pop-ups

Installing & activating a 'Pop-up'