ROST team updates

ROST Team Meetings

We are trialling a new approach to our ROST team meetings!

We have taken note of feedback around the level of meetings as a whole and decided to try something a little different!

From July 2022, the meetings we hold bi-monthly will be preceded by a ROST update video, no longer than 5 minutes in length, to form an update for not only the ROST team but also for the wider CRN team in the West Midlands too. The aim of this video is two fold ...

  • To provide the ROST team members with a core item update, enabling the meeting to follow to be both optional in attendance and also to be agenda-free for discussion around any key points that require confirmation or debate.

  • To provide the wider CRN-WM team with an update proceeding the ROST meeting, to enable the opportunity for anyone to send any further updates or queries to the ROST inbox which we can address either via email or after discussion at the ROST meeting during the week following.

We hope the update videos are concise but at the same time informative and would welcome any feedback on their content, as well as any queries as a result of the issues raised, via the ROST inbox at

ROST Update - Bi-monthly video updates

ROST Update - July 27 2022.mp4

ROST Update - July 2022

  • Video released on Wednesday 27th July

  • Duration 4 minutes 56 seconds

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at

ROST Update - 3 October 2022.mp4

ROST Update - September 2022

  • Video released on Monday 3rd October

  • Duration 5 minutes

If you would like further information or guidance around the content of this video, please contact ROST via email at