Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find information about enrolling my child at NHUSD?

Enrollment information can be found here.

Where can I find the calendar for the 2022-2023 school year?

The 2022-23 academic calendar can be found here.

Where can I find the breakfast/lunch menu for the school year?

The menus can be found on the Food & Nutrition Services website. You can also visit this site to complete the Educational Benefit Form, which ensures that our schools keep the funding that directly supports our children's education. Food & Nutrition Services put out the following announcement on 08/21/21: All students, regardless of eligibility status, are allowed a FREE LUNCH and FREE BREAKFAST daily. NO APPLICATION IS NEEDED. ALL STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR FREE MEALS.

What academic skills does my elementary student need for their grade level?

Here is a resource (English | Spanish) for families of elementary school students that shows academic skills by grade level in Reading, Writing, and Math.

How do I use Parent Connection?

Information about accessing Parent Connection can be found here.

What does this acronym/abbreviation stand for?

A list of acronyms and abbreviations used in NHUSD can be found here.