
What is MakerSpace?

A MakerSpace is a place for people to gather to share resources and ideas so they can be creative. We have a classroom MakerSpace that allows us to work with a variety of materials to learn about STREAM- Science, Technology, Reading and Writing, Engineering, Art, and Math. MakerSpace gives us the opportunity to try new things and learn from doing, whether or not we succeed. We learn a lot of things from MakerSpace, including planning, patience, persistence, and problem solving. These are valuable skills for now and your future.

Would you like to help us add to our MakerSpace? Please check out our Amazon Wish List!


Using a variety of materials to design and build whatever you want. We have reusable and consumable items:

  • Lego

  • Keva Planks

  • Vex Robotics

  • K'Nex

  • Rig-a-ma-jig

  • Zoobs

  • Craft Materials


Work with a variety of items to design and create projects. You can make something to take home. We have many things:

  • Perler Beads

  • Looms

  • Beads

  • 3D Pens


Explore the coding options available online. You can work with block code or text code. There are many options.

  • Codecademy

  • Scratch


  • Code Dojo


Learn how electronics work. Practice with schematics and building circuits. We have many options:

  • Makey-Makey

  • Snap Circuits

  • littleBits

  • Lego Boost


Practice your future career skills in art, graphic design, photo and video editing, etc. There are options:

  • StikBots

  • WeVideo

  • Graphics

  • Digital Art

  • Photo Editing


Take the old school approach and work on your problem solving skills sans technology. Choices include:

  • Puzzles

  • Coding Games

  • Strategy Games

  • Board Games

Making Learning Fun!

MakerSpace is an opportunity for students to work hands-on with a variety of materials. Instructions are sometimes optional, as we often learn best through trial and error.

Students reflect weekly on what they learned. They look back on the challenges they faced and how they solved them.

Lego Pikachu

Stikbot Movies

Designing with Perler Beads

Exploring how currents flow with Snap Circuits

Engineering with Zoobs

Inventing with Makey-Makey

Constructing with Keva Planks

Using electronic building blocks, littleBits

We have a variety of activities to choose from each week. We are working on expanding our options with various grants we have received. We would like to give a huge thanks to the New Haven Schools Foundation for its continued support. We have also received several grants from Donor's Choose and Adopt-a-Classroom. These generous grants make expanding our MakerSpace possible.