7th Grade Language Arts

Course Content


Seventh graders are expected to read approximately one million words per year. This will be accomplished by reading academic texts, novels, and independent reading. In our class we will do the following:


We will read 2-3 class novels over the course of the year. Each novel will have into, through, and beyond activities. 

Book Reports 

Students will complete book reports throughout the year. Students will be provided with specific instructions at the time of the book report. Students will be allowed to read books in whatever format they want- in hand or online. One book report will be to read an online book. 


We will be using a writer's notebook to collect writing topics and samples to develop into future projects. These notebooks will mostly stay in the classroom unless a student needs to take them home to use them.

We will be writing three genres this year- Report of Information (research), Argumentative, and Narrative (story). We will work together to draft, write, and type their essays. All essay drafts turned in to me for editing must be typed. 

We will also be studying a variety of other areas that will assist us in our vocabulary development and reading and writing skills. We will study affixes weekly and grammar will be presented as needed.


Students will have homework every night. Homework will consist of either completing the class work or reading. Students will track this on a weekly log. We are presently working with the homework log as a class. Students also need to read on the weekends for 20 minutes per day.


Students will visit the media center on a regular basis and should have something to read at home and at school. Textbooks will be issued on an as-needed basis. We have plenty of textbooks to check out to students who want one. The book is also available online. We will use several items that are consumable (students can write in them) throughout the year.

Classroom Management Plan- English

Classroom Management Plan- Español