Kindergarten/1st Grade

Music Resources

Simply click on the underlined text to go to the link for these musical resources and read the black text for information.

Office Hours: 10:00-12:00

Week of May 25-29

Music Listening: Don't forget to give the Music Listening page a listen this week.

This video is my goodbye for the summer! I hope you all have a lovely break and I cannot wait for the fall for us to get back making music however that might look. Remember you can always contact me with questions or anything during the summer, I'd love to hear from you! Have a great summer! I will and do miss you!

Please feel free to finish working on the BINGO sheet or exploring in the virtual music classroom!

Week of May 18-22

Music Listening: Don't forget to give the Music Listening page a listen this week.

Click on the link above to check out my virtual classroom! All the images on the page are linked to fun online activities of varying levels. Click on the pictures and explore where they take you! If something is too easy or too hard for you, go back to the classroom and click on something else! Don't forget to click on the yellow checkmark at the end. Have fun!

Week of May 11-15

Music Listening: Don't forget to give the Music Listening page a listen this week.

Watch this video before doing the activities for this week so you can watch me navigate the website and walk you through the things you'll be doing!

Watch the video at the top to see how to complete this rhythmic activity!

Watch the video at the top to see how to complete this singing activity!

Week of May 4- May 8

Music Listening: Don't forget to give the Music Listening page a listen this week. There is a beautiful piece from the broadway musical Candide linked on that page, go there to find out the secret question you need to answer after listening.

Watch this video to see how to do this rhythm activity! Listen then repeat using ta's and tadi's and clapping. Then, find things in your home to play the rhythms on!

Click on this link to take you to the website where you will listen and repeat the rhythms. Have fun!

Please take a few minutes to fill out this Google form after you've completed the music activities for the week!

Week of April 27-May 1

Kindergarten ONLY: No More Pie

Sing along to this tune we did a couple weeks ago!

Kindergarten ONLY: Frog in the Meadow

We did this song last week, sing it again and find a NEW item to keep the beat with, like we would have done in class with the woodblock or the fishy!

1st Grade ONLY: Ears Hang Low

Sing along to this tune and do the actions with it from a couple weeks ago! If you forgot the moves, you need to pretend your hands are your ears hanging low, then put your hands together to wobble to a fro, pretend to tie a knot, tie a bow, throw your ears over your shoulder, salute, then hands as ears again!

1st Grade ONLY: Peep Squirrel

This song we have done in class but we did it much slower, listen first, then try and sing along! This song had a movement you remember it? On the word Peep you need to cover your eyes like you're playing hide and seek. Then on the silly words, todee diddelum, you tap your shoulders, clap your hands, then pat your knees on the final Di.

Find creative ways to keep the beat to this classical piece by Corelli!

Music Listening: Don't forget to give the Music Listening page a listen this week. It is Jazz Appreciation month so I've included a jazz piece, let me know what you think of it!

Week of April 20-24

First Grade ONLY: What's That Sound?

Here is a fun listening activity that goes with the book What's That Sound? that you are doing with your classroom teachers! There are instructions from me throughout the video, so have fun listening!

Kindergarten ONLY: Frog in the Meadow

We've done this fun sing-along song in class before, playing along to it with a wood block or the fishy! Sing along with this song and find something in your home to keep a steady beat with like we do in class with the instruments!

Give this folk song a listen, it is very catchy! Try to sing along with them once you've got it!

Keep working on completing this BINGO sheet! There are a lot of fun activities and websites to check out...and don't forget, there is a prize for everyone who completes the whole sheet!

Music Listening: Don't forget to give the Music Listening page a listen this week. It is Jazz Appreciation month so I've included a jazz piece, let me know what you think of it!

Week of April 13-17

This week, and likely into next week, all the grade levels can work on this musical bingo sheet! There are many activities for your students to do together and separately, and more information about the rules for this activity are on the BINGO sheet! Don't forget to give our weekly listening a listen, on the Music Listening page of this website!

Week of April 6-8

This is a fun activity that can be done to almost any classical music! This particular song is by Arcangelo Corelli and is a great way to find different ways to keep the beat. Start with simple clapping or patting to the beat, then get more creative with nose taps, toe wiggles, knee bends, and so on!

This is a fun finger-play activity where your student should listen and follow along with whatever motions they are doing in the video. Great counting activity as well!

Kindergarten Only: No More Pie

This recording has the main singer go first, then your student should repeat after them in the silence after. (they've done this song before so hopefully most of them remember!) Listen that they are trying to sound just like the singer sounds.

1st Grade Only: Ears Hang Low

This recording keeps getting faster as it goes! Your students should remember this song, and the motions that go with it! If not, they need to pretend their hands are their ears hanging low, then put their hands together to wobble to a fro, pretend to tie a knot, tie a bow, throw their ears over their shoulder, salute, then hands as ears again!

If these tasks are not accessible to your child please let us know and we will

work with you to provide assistance or guide you to potential alternative resources.

I Can Statements

I can sing in response to a song.

I can keep a steady beat.

I can follow along and keep a steady beat with my fingers.

I can sing on my own.