Primary Newsletter
27 April 18
From the Head of Primary
As this exciting image shows, our new school is really starting to grow!
As Year 1 parents may remember, the learners inquiried into 'the choices we make can influence our wellbeing'. One of the outcomes of this exciting unit was the children designing play spaces at their new school with a consideration of wellbeing and safety. Our team of architects joined them to answer their questions and share ideas.
The plans are nearing completion and the learners will soon find out what their new playground will look like. Mud kitchens, sand play, climbing nets, storytelling nooks and a stunning two storey tree house are just some of the wonderful ideas that the architects have taken away and will turn into reality.
This week's photograph from the site is taken from ten metres above the future astroturf looking down towards the state-of-the-art Music facilities where the theatre, black boxes and recording studios will be based! A fabulous community room will be constructed on the right so that we can continue the open and welcoming feeling of the Ulu Pandan campus.
Meanwhile, at Ulu Pandan we've had another amazing two weeks. Swim Galas, the Year 6 PYP Challenge and the Year 5 Mini Exhibition to name just a few. Do take a look at the Recent Events page to find out more. We also welcomed international schools from across the region as we hosted the International Schools' Theatre Association. They worked with over one hundred children from various schools. It was a wonderful weekend of drama!
In the Upcoming Events section, you will find details (and a link to the sign up sheet) of the Annual Beach Clean Up that takes place NEXT SATURDAY. We hope that many of our families will be able to join us for this fun and worthwhile family day. Next week, we will also host Mini Exhibitions from Years 3 and 4 learners.
Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend. Please be reminded that school is closed on Monday and Tuesday for Labour Day.
April 30 and May 1
School Closed
May 4
Years 3 and 4 Mini Exhibitions
May 5
Nexus Annual Beach Clean Up and International Picnic
May 10
Year 5 Trip to GEMS World Academy to visit their PYP Exhibition
May 17
Primary School Aureus Recitals
May 21-23
Year 6 PYP Exhibition 2018
May 29
Vesak Day, school closed
June 7
Year 6 Final Assembly
June 8
Term ends, 12 noon