Primary News

18 November 2022

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From our

Head of Primary

Dear Parents and Caregivers

I cannot believe we are already half way through Term 2, with many events and activities planned for the next four weeks. As I walk through the learning spaces they are buzzing with children asking questions, developing ideas, interpreting data and digging deeper to develop their understanding - the learning just never stops! This week has seen our assemblies open up to parents, thank you to those that attended I hope you enjoyed hearing about your child's learning.

Another thank you to the parents and caregivers that came to our Y3 Exhibition last week to celebrate and share their learning from the How We Express Ourselves UOI. It was a great example of transdisciplinary learning with all the different areas of the curriculum coming together. The Year 3 team have included some pictures in their News from the Year Groups section, please take a look.

One of the elements of the PYP Framework we are often asked about is the Learner Profile Attributes. On Wednesday we ran a Parent Workshop to unpack these, and in our News from the Year Groups this week, the teams have shared a bit more about the attributes they are currently focussing on.

With the end of the semester approaching, we will be saying farewell to a few of our families as they relocate or return to their home countries. May I ask that if your family is leaving us, please complete a Withdrawal Form at your earliest convenience. The Withdrawal Form can be found on the Parent Portal or by clicking here.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that has already celebrated or is looking forward to celebrate. I hope you have a lot to be thankful for.

Best wishes

Fiona Lewis

Head of Primary