Primary News
16 March 2018
From the Head of Primary
The last two weeks have brought to a close a truly fantastic Term 3! My sincere and heartfelt thanks to all learners, staff and families that have come together to put on so many successful events and learning engagements over this term. In the last two weeks alone we have celebrated Book Week and Diveristy Week. As well, the Year 6 learners travelled to Langkawi for their residential trip focusing on sustainability; all Year 3 learners competed in the 'Singapore Amazing Race!'; Kindergraten children showcased their learning in their recent Mini Exihibition; the Year 4 Market Day opened for business (making over $1,000 profit for the UNHCR!) and learners in Years 1 and 5 took part in the first ever LTA Safe Riding Programme. For photographs of all these events, view the 'Recent Events' section.
Please view the 'Important Announcements' section for news of our Mother Tongue programmes and our Family Photogarphs opportunity on Saturday, 7 April. In 'Upcoming Events' you'll find details of the Swimming Galas - please read these carefully.
Before we start the school holiday, please may I remind parents and guardians that ALL unaccompanied Primary School learners must leave the campus immediately after school or once their ECA/CCA finishes. If children remain on campus, a responsible adult must CLOSELY supervise them at all times. Recently there have been injuries or incidents of poor behaviour which have come about from the lack of supervision. If children are not being appropriately supervised on campus they will be asked to leave.
Finally, I wish our Christian families, a blessed Easter time full of peace, love and happiness and to the whole community, I hope you have a wonderful holiday time. We will see you back in school on Monday, 2 April for another exciting term. Key dates for April 2018 are listed below.
With warm wishes,
Year 6 PYP Exhibition - Opening Assembly
"Individuals grow by challenging their personal limits"
On Monday 9 April, 9.00 - 10.30am, we invite our Parent Community to the opening of our 2018 PYP Exhibition. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore the new Central Idea, "Individuals grow by challenging their personal limits", and to find out about how the learners will be collaborating and learning in the weeks ahead.
Our learners will inquire into:
- Individual needs in order to become their best self (Function - Self-Actualisation)
- How different behaviours suit different situations (Perspective - Self-Regulation)
- How reflection helps us to become our best self (Reflection)
These conceptual inquiries will support our learners to explore the related concepts of Roles, Citizenship, Development and Leadership; and how the understanding of these concepts underpin individuals and organisations to take action and make a difference. Learners will be reflecting on their learning styles and how they can contribute to a team to maximise the outcome.
Please wear comfortable attire for this event. We will all be participating in a Group Decision Making Challenge!

Dates for your Diary
Dates for April 2018:
2 April 2018 : Term 4 Starts at 8.25am
3 - 6 April 2018: Class Photographs
7 April 2018: Family Photographs (see Important Notices)
9 April 2018: Year 6 PYP Exhibition - Parent Opening Assembly
9 - 13 April 2018: Earth Week Challenge!
17-18 April: Swim Galas
19 April: Year 2 Mini Exhibition
20 - 22 April: ISTA Festival
25 April: Bug Busting Day
30 April and 1 May: School Closed (for Labour Day)