Primary News
Dear Nexus Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you well.
International Dot Day: A Celebration of Creativity
Today we celebrated International Dot Day, a global initiative that encourages creativity, courage, and collaboration. This day serves as a reminder that even the smallest dot can have a ripple effect, inspiring great achievements.
Our learners participated in Dot Day activities in class, enjoyed a special Dot Day assembly and even made a giant dot out on the field (take a look at the picture below - and the time lapse video).
International Dot Day serves as a wonderful reminder that everyone has the potential to be creative and make a difference. By celebrating today we hope to inspire our learners to embrace their individuality, pursue their passions, and never be afraid to start with just a dot!
Our whole week has been busy week with our Cross Country events taking place nearly everyday. Our learners showed courage and resilience alongside their athletic ability, please take a look at the 'Recent Events' tab for some pictures.
Thank you to those of you that came to see out assemblies, and support our running this week - it’s always great to see you in school.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Ms Fiona
Head of Primary

Here is a time-lapse video of our giant dot creation, set to an AI-generated Dot Day song created by our Digital Learning Coach, Ms. Stephanie
News from the year groups
The children have been actively engaging in learning that fosters both personal growth and a sense of community.
In Nursery, we have made connections with our Unit of Inquiry, ‘Who We Are’ and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The focus has been on good health and wellbeing. We have been supporting children to understand what it means to be healthy - physically, emotionally and mentally. Through stories, songs, play and experiences during lunch and single subject sessions, the children are learning about good hygiene, healthy eating, exercise, and the importance of taking care of ourselves and others.
Our daily mindfulness circle has helped children learn how to relax, rest their busy bodies and focus their minds. Through simple breathing exercises we are supporting children to self-regulate and feel calm amidst the exciting energy of the day.
We have also been exploring our Essential Agreements, which have focussed on working together, helping each other, sharing and taking turns. These values help us build a strong community, where every child feels supported and valued. It has been wonderful observing the children practising kindness and cooperation.
We look forward to celebrating our ‘Care for World Week’ where we will be taking part in a Climbathon. The purpose of the week is for children to take action for the world we live in and take responsibility as compassionate global citizens.
The UN global goals are woven into our daily learning and Kindergarten curriculum in an age appropriate way. This term we have focused on ‘Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’. The children have been immersed in experiences that support their personal development and strengthen our sense of community.
During mindfulness time we have tuned into our senses, listened mindfully to different sounds, smelt various items—including those from our Level 2 garden—and observed our surroundings. These sensory experiences are enriching the children's understanding of their world and themselves. Simple breathing exercises support them to develop skills in self-regulating and feeling calm amidst the day's excitement.
Each day the Nexus recipe and our Essential Agreements, emphasise working together, helping each other, taking turns and taking responsibility for our learning spaces. These values are building a strong community where every child feels a strong sense of belonging. It has been wonderful to hear the children reminding each other of the agreements we have made and encouraging each other to work together.
Looking ahead, we are excited to celebrate Care for World Week, to expand our understanding about the importance of caring for our world and its citizens. During this week, we will engage in activities that reflect our dedication to caring for our world.
We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating Dot Day. It was wonderful to see so many ‘dotty outfits’. International Dot Day is a world focus on connecting, collaborating, creating and celebrating all that creativity inspires. The children created wonderful nature dots in their art lessons which will stay on display for the creativity blooms art show in October.
Year 1
As we approach Global Goals week we look at how our Nexus Care for the world connects so strongly with our current UOI. Global Goal #3, 'Good Health and Well-Being,' and our unit of inquiry on ‘How choices impact our well-being', has opened discussions around significant concepts like sustainability, and global responsibility. Making sure we know how to look after ourselves , and what that looks like for a Year 1 learner . The learners even at such a young age are developing their understanding, and demonstrating a growing awareness of their role as responsible global citizens. The learners made connections with different ways they can ‘be healthy’, thinking of strategies they can use to promote their Well-Being and what Well-Being means to them. Through class discussions and collaborations the Year 1 hub has been a buzz of rich conversations, from calm down strategies, different breathing techniques, and a variety of mindfulness exercises. They have experienced the importance of having a bank of ideas to help them to navigate big feelings and making sure they can share those feelings with others.
Additionally, we celebrated International Dot Day, inspired by the book ‘The Dot’ by Paul H. Reynolds, which encourages the development of a growth mindset and taking risks. The learners listened to the story of Vashti explore her creativity and build confidence as she tried something new and challenging. They then went on to engage with a range of creative activities across the learning spaces. This celebration further highlights our commitment to nurturing not only academic growth but also the development of essential life skills and values in our learners.
Looking ahead, we’re excited for our first field trip to the Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden next week! A big thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to support this outing—your help is greatly appreciated. We are excited about the wonderful learning opportunities that this experience will provide our Year 1 learners.
Year 2
Today the whole school celebrated International Dot Day by coming to school dressed up in dots and spots! This is an important annual event as it promotes the importance of confidently taking risks and encouraging creativity. The event is inspired by Peter H. Reynold’s book, “The Dot” and we have been celebrating this event in Year 2 for a few years. Throughout this week, Year 2 spent time being creative with dots in various ways and celebrating uniqueness and mistakes. It also links to our current UOI, emphasising that our choices impact our overall well-being. Vashti, the main character, takes the reader on a journey of realisation - being courageous and accepting mistakes is part of the creative journey! Sometimes accepting that we make mistakes and that these mistakes impact our well-being can be a challenge. Vashti helps us to recognise that mistakes are natural and should be celebrated! We cannot wait to watch the time-lapse video of the whole school dot, even if there are some mistakes!
Next week will be the final week of the Who we are unit of inquiry. It will also be Care for World week, an important annual whole school celebration. As we started to wrap up the UOI, we introduced the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 3: Good health and well-being and Goal 16: Peace and justice. Year 2 learners watched a short video simplifying the 17 Global Goals and we focused on the two that authentically connect to our current UOI. We discussed how fortunate we are in Singapore to have access to various food and opportunities to lead a healthy balanced lifestyle. We also reflected on our Essential Agreements and conflict resolution strategies in connection with being a part of a peaceful classroom and school community. Next week we will unpack a few more of the Global Goals as we celebrate Care for World Week.
Well done to the Year 2 learners for participating in the Fun Run event on Thursday. It was HOT and all the learners put in a great effort whilst also linking to our UOI about the importance of regular exercise and the effect this has on our health and well-being.
Year 3
In Year 3, we are truly in full swing! Our Year 3 Maths programme is running smoothly, showing good growth and, more importantly, making maths a subject that all children look forward to with enthusiasm. Our Reading and Spelling programmes are also thriving, and Year 3 is operating like a well-oiled machine as we build the essential skills for success. It has been a lot of fun, and our learners are all visibly happy.
Leading up to our Care for the World Week, Year 3 had an action-packed schedule this week, including the cross-country event and celebrating International Dot Day. The cross-country event was an excellent opportunity for our learners to practice resilience, demonstrating the importance of giving their best effort and never giving up. Our learners also looked amazing in their dots, and as a school, we created one giant dot on the field. I’m sure photos of this will be shared soon!
Next week, we will explore the UN Sustainable Development Goals and what they mean for our Year 3 learners. We’ll focus on the conditions in Nepal and the challenges related to 'quality schooling' and 'climate action'. This ties in with our participation with the Climbathon which we will be doing next week. The Climbathon will also provide another opportunity for our learners to practice resilience. Last year, they showed great determination and commitment by climbing as many stairs as possible to support the Pipal Tree Charity.
Year 4
Year 4 are adding the final touches to the end of our Who We Are unit. This inquiry connects to the global goal of Good Health and Well Being. Learners have applied their thinking skills, as they synthesise their new understandings and create an 'Inside/Outside' or 'Split face' of themselves. In this activity one side of their face represents their physical features that we see from the outside. Their hair, eyes, nose, lips and facial features. The second side represents the actions that they take to contribute to their own well being. These actions are communicated through visual symbols, icons and pictures. We look forward to having these on display during the parent conferences for our families to view.
In Language Arts learners have also expressed their Well Being ideas through poetry. They have used figurative language such as similes, metaphors and alliteration to create images in the readers mind. Their Haiku poetry will be enhanced even more through a collaboration with Art. Watch this space to hear how these will be shared with our families. Ms Heather and her Art team, have an amazing idea...
Next week we will all travel off site on our first Year 4 trip, to the Peranakan Museum. This activity is an exciting provocation for an upcoming focus in art and our new unit of inquiry.
These are our dates and classes:
-Monday 23 September, 9:15am – 11:45am : 3A/4A & 4G
-Wednesday 25 September, 9:15 – 11:45 am : 4B & 4P
-Thursday 26 September, 9:15 – 11:45 am : 4R & 4W
Congratulations to all of Year 4 on their participation in our annual cross country event. It was joyful to see everyone cheering each other on and contributing to the house spirit, that makes this event so special. It is not easy to run in the Singapore heat, however every runner displayed resilience and perseverance as they set their sights on the finish line and never gave up.
Year 5
This week has been both lively and fulfilling for our Year 5 learners, filled with academic challenges and exciting sporting events.
In Language Arts, our learners explored the world of punctuation, discovering just how crucial it is to bring their stories to life and make them easier to understand. It was so rewarding to see them engaged and working hard to master this essential writing skill.
In Math, we focused on mental subtraction strategies. It was wonderful to watch each student confidently apply different techniques to solve problems, demonstrating focus and perseverance.
Our Unit of Inquiry (UOI) continues to focus on the idea of peace and conflict within communities, linking to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This week, the learners worked on identifying common classroom conflicts and have been developing action plans to foster more harmony and respect within our community. We are incredibly proud of how thoughtfully they’ve approached this, and we look forward to seeing their ideas unfold in the coming weeks.
One of the highlights of the week was the fun run and cross-country event. Many of the learners had eagerly anticipated this, and it was fantastic to see their determination and sportsmanship. What really stood out was how they supported each other—cheering one another on and helping each other finish the race, regardless of house teams. It was a heartwarming display of teamwork and camaraderie, and they should all be very proud.
Congratulations to our Learner Council Members for this CCA Season!
Year 6
The learning space has come alive again after two weeks with half the group away on the residential trip! This week as been a busy one for learners, participating in the cross country event on Wednesday and celebrating International Dot Day on Friday. Several learners volunteered on to share times that they were brave at both the Early Years and the Years 3 - 6 assemblies.
In class we have been consolidating our understanding of place value, inquiring into potential and kinetic energy, and learnign about transfer of energy.
Please complete our short Parent Survey on the recent trips to Sea Gypsy.
At the end of the survey you will receive a link to the Google Folders where you can view more photos that were taken during the trips.