Week ending Friday 15th December, 2023

Dear Families,

This week we have been learning about Hanukkah is celebrated. We have learned about Menorahs and Dreidels. 

The children have changed phonics groups this week so please confirm with them who's group they are now in 'Ms Archer' or 'Ms Alford' in order to practise their RWI sounds. 

Have a lovely weekend!

Best wishes,

Reception Team

Gallery of this week's learning

Our Book this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child.

Curious Question 

"How is Hanukkah celebrated?"

Our Phonics Learning this week

Ms Archer's Group

Ms Alford's Group

Our Words this week

Please practise these words at home with your child.

Our Maths Learning this week


Named Uniform

Please ensure that all of your child's uniform is named so that it can be returned if lost. 

PE/Book Day

PE is every Wednesday. Please send your child to school dressed in their PE kit and appropriate shoes.

Book Day is also on Wednesday - remember to bring your old book to school to change for a new one.

Water Bottles

Please make sure that your child brings a water bottle to school every day.


End of Term

Please remember there is a 2pm collection time on Wednesday 20th December for the end of term. 

We come back to school on Monday 8th January.