Incoming 9th Grade Informational Night

Incoming 9th Grade Informational Presentation

The date for this year's presentation is posted here.


We are excited to see eighth grade students and their parents at our upcoming Newtown High School informational night!

Beginning at 6:00 pm in the Auditorium our School Counseling Department will provide an overview of the course selection process, the NHS schedule, and the transition from eighth to ninth grade.  Administrators and department chairs will also share important information about opportunities, course offerings and ninth grade expectations at NHS. 

The Newtown High School H.A.W.K.S. Honor Society members will also be available to give tours of the building following the program between 7:00 - 8:00pm.  Tours will be running continually throughout this time.  Elective teachers will also be available to showcase their classes during this time. Elective classes in Science, English, World Language, Business, Enterprise, Technology, Fine Arts and many more are available at NHS. 

The course recommendations made by Newtown Middle School teachers will be made available on your child’s Powerschool Parent Portal mid-Feb.  The criteria used to make recommendations is available on the NMS and NHS website.  The Newtown High School Program of Studies is available on the Newtown High School website (under “Quick Links” on the right hand side of the screen).

To further help with the transition from middle school to high school, the high school counselors will be at the middle school late Feb-March.  Students will be assigned a time for a ten minute individual meeting to request their 9th grade courses. If you would like to know when your child’s meeting time is, please contact the Middle School Counseling Office at (203) 426-7644.

If you have any other questions regarding the transition, please call the High School Counseling Office at (203) 426-7651