Incoming 9th Grade Informational Night

Incoming 9th Grade Informational Presentation

The date for this year's presentation is posted here.


We are excited to welcome our 8th grade students and parents to Newtown High School!

The presentation has been posted on the Incoming and Current Freshmen page under GETTING TO KNOW THE HIGH SCHOOL.  We will be sure to include emails of various people representing our vast array of programs in case you would like to follow up with anyone in particular to answer any questions you might have.

In addition, our high school students, through the HAWKS program, will meet with 8th graders and talk more about the high school experience and answer questions. 

We hope to have additional opportunities to learn more about the high school through in-person meetings and visits to the high school when appropriate. 

The course recommendations made by Newtown Middle School teachers will be made available on your child’s Powerschool Parent Portal in mid February.  The criteria used to make recommendations is now available on the NMS and NHS websites.  The Newtown High School Program of Studies is also available on the Newtown High School website (under “Quick Links” on the right hand side of the screen).

To further help with the transition from middle school to high school, the NHS School Counselors will be meeting one on one with all 8th graders in March.  Parents are more than welcome to join as well.  We will use this time to request courses for next year.  The Middle School Counseling Office will have more information on when these meetings will occur soon.

If you have any other questions regarding the transition, please call the High School Counseling Office at (203) 426-7651.

Thank you,

Bret Nichols

School Counseling Department Chair