Colonial Wars

Colonial Wars

King Philip Wars

King Philip's war was fought between the English colonists of New England and a group of Native American tribes. The main leader of the Native Americans was Metacomet, chief of the Wampanoag peoples. His English nickname was "King Philip." Other tribes on the side of the Native Americans included the Nipmuck, Podunk, Narragansett, and Nashaway peoples. Two Native American tribes, the Mohegan and the Pequot, fought on the side of the colonists.

The King Philip's War (June 1675 to August 1676) was a bitter and bloody conflict between the Algonquian speaking Indian tribes and the English settlers of the New England colonies. More than half of New England's 90 towns were assaulted by Native Indians. King Philip's War ended in victory for the colonists almost one out of every twenty people in the region, both whites and Indians, are killed. Over 600 colonists and 3,000 Indians were killed during King Philip's War and Indian captives were sold into slavery in Colonial America.