
Homework Calendar 2018-2019

Homework Policy

As 5th grade students transition from elementary school to middle school a heavier emphasis on homework completion will be factored into their overall grades. To prepare students for this transition, it is important that guided practice regarding the most helpful strategies for homework procedures be implemented in 5th grade. Students will have a daily Homework Planning period in which to copy the nightly assignment into their Agenda, gather the necessary materials to complete assignments and receive a check-mark from their teacher. My goal for my students is to establish a solid work ethic and scenarios in which they can thrive. There will not be a Reading Log in 5th grade.

Homework Expectations:

  • Homework should last no longer than 50 minutes per night (grade level X 10 minutes = 50 minutes)
  • Reading: Students should read for 30 minutes each night. No reading log required. Students will be expected to complete a Reading Letter to their teacher on what they have been reading that week.
  • Math: nightly homework assigned from our math program Investigations 3
  • Reading/Writing: as needed
  • Social Studies/Science: as needed
  • Word Study/Spelling: as needed
  • Do your very best work, neatly and concisely
  • Homework is to practice what you have been taught during the classroom day. If you are struggling, please ask an adult for help. If the assignment is to challenging, has been longer than 45 minutes, you have used your classroom resources (Math Journal, Subject Journals etc) and you have put your best effort forward than put your homework away and speak with me in the morning for guidance. Your very best effort is the goal!!
  • Homework not passed in on the due date will result in a No Homework Note home for an adult to sign.
  • Unfinished/Incomplete Homework must be completed and passed in for grading along with a signed No Homework Note.

Goals for Homework

  • To reinforce classroom instruction
  • To develop good work habits, responsibility, self-direction, and organizational skills
  • To extend and enrich curricula
  • To assess independent work
  • To provide parents with an opportunity to become informed about and involved in the child's learning

Types of Homework Assignments

Homework assignments will be consistent in most things, such as mathematics, spelling and reading. Other assignments will vary. There are several types of homework assignments you may expect to see over the course of a year:

Practice Homework

Practice homework helps students master skills and reinforce in-class learning. Learning spelling words and completing math worksheets are examples of this type of homework.

Preparation Homework

Preparation assignments prepare students for an upcoming lesson or quiz. Reading a chapter in preparation for discussion, pretests, and surveys are examples of preparation homework.

Extension Homework

Extension homework helps students take what they learn in class and connect it with real life. It requires students to transfer specific skills and concepts to new situations. Journal writing and conducting experiments at home are examples of extension homework.

Creative Homework

Creative homework helps students integrate multiple concepts and promotes the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills. This type of homework often takes the form of open-ended questions and long term projects that allow students a choice.

Vacation Homework Guidelines

If your child will miss school for a significant amount of time, please let the teacher know before you leave. However, please be aware that teachers cannot accommodate requests for homework in advance. Missed homework will need to be made up upon return.

Responsibilities of Parents

  • Provide a study area that is quiet, comfortable and free from disturbances.
  • Set rules (when, where, how) for your child.
  • Make available resource materials such as reference books, magazines, newspapers, and a
  • dictionary.
  • Assist the student with drill, such as learning how to spell.
  • Check the finished product for neatness and legibility.
  • Consider homework as non-negotiable (extracurricular activities should not interfere with
  • timely completion of homework).
  • Encourage reading for pleasure.
  • Show confidence in your child’s ability; never do your child’s homework for him/her.
  • Hold your child accountable for getting homework to and from school.
  • Let the teacher know if your child is experiencing difficulty with the homework.

Responsibilities of Students

  • Know homework assignments before leaving school.
  • Take homework assignments and all necessary supplies home.
  • Jot down a homework buddyos phone number to use if a day is missed or if there are questions.
  • Spend the necessary time on homework each evening.
  • Know that a best effort is demonstrating pride in homework.
  • Seek help from parents only when needed.
  • Submit finished homework to the teacher, neatly done and on time.