
Animal Imitation

Animal imitation is a great way to work on strengthening and coordination in a fun way. These are just a few suggestions but it is easy to think of more on your own.

1. Crawl like a dog:

Go on all fours and crawl around the room pretending to be a dog. For added fun, bark while doing it.

2. Walk like a bear:

Start in yoga mountain position with palms of hands and soles of feet on the ground. Walk forwards and backwards on all 4’s. Again feel free to growl.

3. Hop like a frog:

Bend your knees and put your hands on the ground in front of you. Extend your trunk up and jump up high in the air, returning to starting position. Feel free to ribit while hopping.

4. Crab walk:

Crab walking position is again with hands and feet on the ground but this time, the child’s belly faces up. The easiest way to get onto this position is to start by asking the child to sit on the floor. Then, ask him/her to place their feet flat on the ground and put their arms behind them. Next press up onto hands and feet, lifting their bottom off the ground.

The crab walk is the most complicated of all of these animal walks and not all preschoolers can do it. If your child cannot walk like a crab, have them just hold the position statically.