
Newton North administers over 1,300 AP Exams yearly, so we have a high demand for proctors.  If you are interested in becoming a proctor for the NNHS AP program, please review the eligibility criteria. 

Please click HERE to access the NNHS AP Proctor SignUp Genius (the link will be active in Late March).


College Board Proctor Eligibility Criteria

The following criteria are in place to help ensure that exams are administered properly and to avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest. Please be aware that a conflict of interest may result in score cancellation.

Note: Active and retired teachers as well as department heads are governed by the same policy — they cannot proctor an AP Exam in the subject area in which they teach/have taught. This policy also applies to AP coordinators who are former teachers, as well as to substitute teachers. A school’s AP scores could be jeopardized for failure to comply. This policy is designed to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest.