Subscription Rates

Adult Member £25

Student / Concession £15

Members Carer / Assist £0

Family including children £40

Bank details: 

Newcastle Upon Tyne Astronomical Society

Sort code: 40-34-16 Account: 515 355 28

If you would like to join the society. You can do so by attending any of our meetings at Summerhill Bowling Club. Introduce yourself to the society treasurer, Simon Murray. He will gladly accept your subscription and welcome you in to the society.

If you are more interested in the practical side of astronomy then, ideally, you should introduce yourself to Simon Murray the Observer Group organiser. He will be happy to add you to the mailing list for forth coming events etc. 

Members of the Society have been working hard to bring you a members only observing site at BLAGDON

Where does my money go?

The society is a charitable organisation and we rely on our members, grants and donations to be able to deliver an exciting array of lecture meetings, events and to bring outreach to the public. It pays for the location of our meetings, our yearly membership to the FAS, observing site and purchasing items for outreach and for members to use. It pays for the website domain/subscription and also promoting the society with membership cards, posters etc.

As a member you're also supporting the local community.