Gisele Zachary

Gisele with family


Gisele was born in Brussels, Belgium on June 23rd, 1942. At this time, the German army had been occupying Brussels, and Gisele's parents had been concerned about Gisele's safety. In order to protect their newborn daughter, Gisele was sent to live with her grandparents on a farm on the outskirts of Brussels. She only saw her parents once a week for the first three years of her life.

Brussels, Belgium

Once the war ended, Gisele was reunited with her parents full time. Life from then on was simple. Gisele grew up in Belgium, raised along side her older brother. Gisele grew up appreciating the culture in Belgium, shopping at traditional Belgian shops, and walking the boardwalks of the shipping ports with her family.

Gisele and Ruly

At the age of 24, Gisele met Ruly while he was working in Brussels. During 1966, they quickly fell in love and were married a few months after meeting each other. While they were originally set on living in Belgium, Ruly was offered a 5-year job in Massachusetts for engineering. After being promised she would return to Belgium in 5 years, Gisele found herself leaving her family and home to travel halfway across the world. Little did she know she would never return.

Gisele in Wilbraham

Gisele with family