Immigration: Through Maps

Gisele's Journey

Brussels, Belgium

Gisele was born in Brussels, Belgium on June 23rd, 1942, during WWII. Before and after the war, Brussels' culture was artistic and diverse. It "was a center of innovation in literature, theater, architecture, and painting." (Britannica). In order to secure her safety, she lived with her grandparents on a farm until the war ended. Once over, Gisele returned to her family for the rest of her childhood- leading into becoming a young adult. It was in her hometown where she met Ruly, who was working in the area. They were quickly married. However, Gisele would soon depart from Belgium and embark on a journey across the world.

Wilbraham, Massachusetts

In the winter of 1967, Gisele found herself in Wilbraham, Massachusetts. But how did she get here? Why did she choose to move? Click below to read more about Gisele's story.

Ruly's Journey

Athens, Greece

Ruly was born on Febuary 14th, 1928. His childhood took place through some of the worst decades of the century, starting with a worldwide economic depression into the dark times of WWII, where Germans invaded and occupied his home for nearly 8 years. It was through his resiliance, where he was able to succeed in Athens and attend college across the world.

Above: Ruly's voyage across the globe to the University of Saskatchewan

Brussels, Belgium

After attaining a Masters in Engineering from Canada, Ruly was recruited to work in Belgium. It was here where he met Gisele, where they quickly fell in love and got married. Originally, they were prepared to spend their life in Europe. However a single job offer changed my family's history.

Wilbraham, MA

In late 1966, Ruly recieved a job offer he couldn't turn down which was located outside of Springfield MA. The job only asked of his service for five years. After promising Gisele they would return to Europe, they left for a new world. But what was so special about Ruly's Journey? What steps did he take to arrive here? What sacrifices did he make? Read more below.