The Gallery

A Collection:

Gisele's condo includes a variety of artwork, each painting older than herself. While lighted by various lamps and little sunlight, the simplicity yet complexity of these 20+ pieces creates her living space into something similar to a museum. In order to further understand these pieces of artwork, and connect them to Gisele's Belgian heritage, listen below to this audio:

The Gallery.mp4

The Sketches

Above: Belgian Water Mill

Right: Typical scenery within Belgium

Place du Sablon: Containing homes, bakeries, and other local shops

A Belgian Church, also a refuge for women

Traditional willow trees: Memories of Gisele's home

The Paintings

Above: A traditional Belgian coffee maker found in Gisele's grandparent's home

Left: Traditional Belgian vases found in homes

Above and to the right:

Traditional Belgian winters: described as "dull and grey"

A shipping port Gisele would visit and walk

Traditional Belgian landscapes

Traditional Belgian towns

An olive tree. Traditionally found in Greece.