Faculty Think Tank

The CEB Faculty Think Tank, was developed in Spring 2022 to promote interdepartmental collaboration and conversation that is based on Cultural Equity and Belonging. Sessions consisted of faculty members speaking through larger hopes and challenges that they face through a CEB lens, and brainstorming how each faculty member could make an individual contribution that aligns with their interests, a challenge they face and with CEB. Explore the individual projects created by Faculty Think Tank Members below that range from syllabi and classroom shifts to departmental offerings to a symposium proposed. 

Project Template

NEC Role: Faculty Role at NEC

Title of Project: Name the project.

Define: What is the goal of the project?

Discover: Your "why"? What is this project a solution for/to?

Dream: Naming the change. Once complete, what will this project bring about or change? What does that look like?

Design: What steps did you take? Any research or workshops or conversations engaged with?

Derive: What are the ways that you are incorporating a cultural equity and belonging lens in this project? 

Delivery: Final resource (syllabus, paper, collaboration).

Please share thoughts about implementation.

Faculty Think Tank Projects

Jill Gatlin

Liberal Arts Faculty

Diversity and Social Justice Pedagogy: Student Positionality and Engagement 

Individual Project Overview

Musical Careers, Diversity, and Social Justice Workshop

NEC Diversity Resources and Initiatives Workshop

Andrew Schartmann

Music Theory Faculty

A Cognitive Approach to Music Theory 

Individual Project Overview

Resource Guide: Developing a Cognitive Approach to Music Theory

Mehmet Sanlikol

Music History & Musicology Faculty  Director of the Intercultural Institute at NEC 

Bimusicality Symposium 

Individual Project Overview

Felicia Sandler

Music Theory Faculty

Facilitating meaningful and safe challenging discussions in the classroom: A Game Plan

Individual Project Overview

Ken Schaphorst

Chair, Jazz Studies

Jazz Forum

Individual Project Overview

Warren Senders

Music-in-Education Faculty

Music From The Ground Up 

Individual Project Overview

Tanya Maggi 

Dean of Community Engagement and Professional Studies, Faculty (Chamber Music/Multi-Disciplinary) 

The Culturally Responsive Teaching Artist 

Individual Project Overview

Further Members and Contributors to Dialogue: 

Carol Ou

Chamber Music, College

Cello, Preparatory & Continuing Education

Assistant Chair, Strings (Continuing Education)

Nima Janmohammadi

Contemporary Musical Arts Faculty

Music History & Musicology

Music Theory

Persian Music Ensemble

Merry Peckham 

Chair, Chamber Music, College

Director, CHIPSPreparatory School

Coach, Chamber Music, Preparatory School

Matthew Duveneck

Liberal Arts Faculty