Center for Cultural Equity and Belonging

Welcome to the CEB Resource Site!

 We are glad that you are here. Come and visit the Center for CEB at SB203. 

Feel free to check out our CEB Programming, Resources, and CEB Campaign tabs on this site. 

To get involved or for support, please contact Monique Van Willingh, Director of Cultural Equity & Belonging at

Center for CEB

SB 203

The Center for CEB has four key pillars: Learning, Dialogue, Collaboration and Support & Resources. The CEB pillars outline the type of programming and offerings that the Center for CEB will share with the NEC Community, and embodies the cycle of praxis (discovery, action and reflection) that will inform the development of our CEB practice at NEC. 

You are invited to visit the Center for Cultural Equity and Belonging (SB203) when on campus to engage in dialogue, share your perspectives or work in our collaborative shared space.