CEB Programming

Spring 2022

Please find CEB Programming and sign ups for workshops,  book club, learning and listening circles, and "Coffee with Colleagues" below. 

Access by clicking on the time slot you would like to join. Once signing up, an option to add the event to your calendar will be shared - please be sure to add the event to your calendar. 

If there is a session you would like to attend, but the times do not align with your schedule, email me at and we can explore further options.

Interactive Workshop

Workshop: Activating Brave Dialogue with Students

This workshop will explore how to prepare and facilitate Brave and Critical dialogue with students in the classroom and in conversation. We will look at the intersection of safe space and critical dialogue in Higher Education, so that we cultivate meaningful conversation. The following essential questions will be addressed:

The same workshop will occur multiple times - please sign up below:

Book Club

CEB Book Club Sign Up

Biweekly till May 6th

We will be reading and discussing "Overcoming Bias: Building Authentic Relationship Across Difference" by Tiffany Jana and Matthew Freeman. Please note: This workbook is anecdotal. Supplemental info or stats will be shared each week. 

Books will be provided by the Center for CEB. For the best experience, joining all sessions is encouraged. 

To sign up please follow this link: CEB Book Club Sign Up

You will receive a recurring calendar invite to include all sessions till May 6th:

Coffee with Colleagues

An informal conversational space for CEB-related questions or brainstorming to occur! Drop-in style. This will be a no-judgement brave space for our questions - even the one's that are sometimes hard or uncomfortable to speak through. We learn through questioning and discovery - so bring your candid CEB-related questions and ideas! 

Think of these sessions as a space for "Real Talk" - where we help each other navigate challenges or ideas together and recognize that it is ok to not have all the answers. We will find solidarity in learning and discovering together. 

Please sign up below: 

Learning Circles

Learning Circle Series Sign Up

A collaborative learning discussion time focused on Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. For more information, please read this article by Dr. Geneva Gay, who coined the term and framework: Preparing for Culturally Responsive Teaching. Short readings and videos will be shared ahead of each Learning Circle. This Learning Circle is open to both faculty and staff, as all concepts are transferable to staff practices as well. 

Topics to be explored:

Each Learning circle session will have 4 segments: 

Learning Circle Series 

For the most in-depth experience, joining all sessions are suggested, but drop-ins are welcomed.

Please follow this link to sign up for the series or sessions: Learning Circle Series Sign Up

Listening Circles

An affirming space for dialogue where deep listening and storytelling are used to share our own experiences. The power of this process is in being listened to and being given the space to share bravely and honestly, with no judgement. It is about mutual solidarity with colleagues. I encourage you try one of these - they are healing and refreshing.

February Theme: Holding space for the spectrum of nuance and complexity of life amidst a pandemic - the challenge, the fatigue, and what brings us joy and hope. 

Further CEB sessions to look forward to this semester:

More information will be shared about these opportunities soon. If you have any ideas that you would like to share, please email