Section 5:

What happens if my child is struggling?

Section 5: What happens if my child is struggling?

Every child has the right to an appropriate needs-based education. Our classrooms have become increasingly diverse and so has the delivery of programming. There is no reason to exclude struggling children from FSL programs.

A student's ability to succeed in a French Program depends on many factors including motivation, personnel support and environmental supports. When appropriate supports are in place for any subject, students with various needs can be successful and thrive in a classroom. This is no different for French as a Second Language. Students struggling with reading or language may even be at an advantage because of the repetition and review of materials and basic skills in French. Skills and strategies learned to overcome language or reading difficulties are transferable from one language to another and therefore beneficial in any language.

At the NCDSB, every child’s progress is monitored by his/her teacher. When children are not meeting their developmental benchmarks, the parents are contacted by teachers or resource support teachers and additional assessments or supports may be requested.

Additional support may include:

  1. Referral to in-school support team to develop strategies to support the child.

  2. Referral to the out of school support team for additional strategy suggestions

  3. Development of an Individual Learning Plan or Individual Education Plan. This may include a reduction of expectations or accommodations to allow for student success.

  4. Students with a diagnosis will be referred to the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC)