Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)

The CEFR is a reference tool used to guide second-language teachers in their planning, instruction and assessment practices.

  • It has played an important role in shaping the philosophy behind the revised French As A Second Language Ontario Curriculum for Core French and French Immersion Programs.

  • The CEFR puts an emphasis on the importance of authentic, spontaneous and functional language tasks.

  • It is an action-oriented, task-based approach to language learning which is closely aligned with current trends in classrooms.

  • It seeks to inform instruction, improve student proficiency in French and motivates students to become independent life-long learners.

Furthermore; the CEFR divides language acquisition into 6 levels. (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)

These levels describe what skills a second-language learning student should be able to demonstrate in listening, speaking, reading and writing at each level.

(Source: Key Messages for Core French, What is the CEFR? OMLTA, 2014)

The Diplôme d’études en langue françaises (DELF)

The DELF is 4 separate diplomas issued by the French Ministry for National Education to certify the language skills of a learner who is not French. It evaluates the language skills in oral comprehension, oral expression, written comprehension and written expression. The results of this exam are valid indefinitely.

Advantages of the certification

The DELF examination is an opportunity for secondary school students to demonstrate their French capabilities in all 4 areas as mentioned above. Students who are successful receive a certificate which is recognized around the world and valid with employers. The DELF represents proof of a learner’s French-language skills and level of proficiency. In some cases, this certification is being accepted as a substitution for university French entry examinations.

For more information please visit: http://delf-dalf.ambafrance-ca.org

(Source: LE DELF-DALF Au Canada; http://delf-dalf.ambafrance-ca.org/en/)