Section 1:

Vision and Goals for French as a Second Language Curriculum Grades K-12


Students will communicate and interact with growing confidence in French, one of Canada’s official languages, while developing the knowledge, skills and perspectives they need to participate fully as citizens in Canada and in the world.


In all French As a Second Language programs, students realize the vision of the FSL curriculum as they strive to:

  • use French to communicate and interact effectively in a variety of social settings;

  • learn about Canada and its two official languages, and other cultures;

  • appreciate and acknowledge the interconnectedness and interdependence of the global community;

  • be responsible for their own learning, as they work independently and in groups

  • use effective language learning strategies;

  • become lifelong learners for personal growth and for active participation as world citizens

(Source: French As a Second Language Curriculum Grade 1-8, 2013 Page 6)

Discover the Ontario French as a Second Language Curriculum Grade 1-8 and 9-12

A Framework for French As A Second Language Schools in Ontario


The vision for FSL in Ontario encompasses a heightened awareness of the value of learning French and extends beyond the development of French-language skills to include the broader advantages to be gained from learning more than one language. Making this vision a reality requires an ongoing commitment on the part of all stakeholders. Educators must be connected and supported through increased opportunities to participate in professional learning communities. School administrators must demonstrate knowledge, skills and passion as leaders of their FSL programs. Schools and school boards must find ways of increasing student, parent, and community engagement and confidence in FSL programs. All stakeholders must continue to work together to provide more intensive support for FSL across the province.


The Ministry of Education has identified three goals that support the vision for FSL in Ontario as well as the federal objective to promote linguistic duality. By focusing on these goals, educators, students, parents, and communities can work together to support student achievement in FSL and strengthen FSL programming.

Goal 1: Increase student confidence, proficiency and achievement in FSL.

Goal 2: Increase the percentage of students studying in French until graduation

Goal 3: Increase student, educator, parents and community engagement in FSL.

(Source: A Framework for French As A Second Language in Ontario Schools, 2013 pgs 8 & 9)

Below you will find the online link to French As A Second Language in Ontario Schools which provides direction for teachers and administrators.