Section 3:

How can you help your child in French?

Helping your child in French

Recognizing the need to support your child in French is wonderful. Finding the right resources however; is not always an easy task. At the NCDSB, we believe in supporting parents who are interested in helping their children. In this hand book, you will find helpful information and strategies to support you and your child in their journey to acquiring a second language.

How do I help with homework?

Homework has 3 three main purposes:

  1. To finish work not completed in school

  2. To provide additional practice for consolidation and mastery of the subject matter

  3. To help students develop independent work and study skills along with effective time management strategies

Homework should be based on the subject matter already covered in the classroom. If your child does not understand what is expected, have them think back to the lesson and think about what the teacher said. If the lack of understanding or comprehension occurs regularly then advise the teacher and have them clarify prior to sending homework.

Coaching is an essential part of assisting your child. The following strategies are recommended:

  1. Using an English-French dictionary and a book of synonyms and antonyms

  2. Making sense of problems and using a variety of strategies to assist in solving these problems.

  3. Coaching your child to take appropriate notes during class in order to remember key information.

  4. Knowing how and where to do research. Remembering to think critically about the information located and asking yourself whether or not it makes sense.

  5. Using brainstorming and mind maps

  6. Making an outline, writing a draft and then editing

  7. Making connections to real-life examples and to prior learning experiences.