
How To Apologize Correctly

There are a lot of ways to do most things, but there is a correct way to apologize. Students were given a lot of wrong examples, such as:  "I'm sorry, but you were not listening", "If that's what you think, I'm sorry", "I'm sorry you feel that way", "I'm sorry that was your choice." A few half-right examples were: "I'm sorry you were hurt by what I said", "I'm sorry, but I wasn't being my best self."

Students identified the parts of an apology that were missing. They learned that a correct apology is right between the eyes. We look the person in the eye and start with - "I am sorry I..."

4 steps to an Apology

I’m sorry I…

This was wrong because…

In the future I will…

Please Forgive me.

To practice at home:

How to Accept an Apology:

Thank you.

I appreciate you saying that.

It's OK.