
Welcome to NDCP Volleyball!

Season: Spring

Levels: Freshman, Junior Varsity, Varsity

Summary: Dave Santos (Senior): “It feels like a fire was started.”

The team showed incredible dedication and effort, even long before touching the court, with great example and leadership stemming from our seniors. When that opportunity to compete was taken away from you, still you maintained your focus, your desire to learn and that fire kept burning.

“During a time of transition, and uncertainty, this group of seniors was always willing to help. I could feel they wanted to do something memorable in their last season and they were not only hungry for it, but they deserved it.” -Coach Maniscalco

We adjusted, just as you do in life when things don’t go according to plan. We met online as a team, we watched film and had laughs with trivia, weekly meetings, and talked to alumni. We decided what our core values are, and we developed a plan for going forward.

“In the last two months where we should’ve been together on the court, we have learned a lot about ourselves, devoted more time to our family and our well-being, and have such an incredible tone set for years to come.” Coach JJ Glavan, Assistant Coach.

This time of growth would not have happened with the challenges thrown your way, and I’m incredibly proud that you all had your heads up high through the end. That is the lasting impact. That is the fire Dave talked about, and that’s how we’re going to make you proud in years to come, because these young guys needed something, someone to give them hope — to want to do what we were focused to do this year. This class of 2020 was at the forefront of something special this year, and the culture left behind will work hard for all you did for us.

"Remember to be grateful. So many people around you have been working hard to make sure that you are still at your Best, that you still have potential to get better and grow and to learn from all of this. ” -JJ Glavan, Assistant Coach

"Thank you for igniting that fire.” - Head Coach Maniscalco, 2010 Alum

Head Coach: Coach Maniscalco (nddonsvolley@gmail.com)

Assistant Coach: Coach Glavan

Freshman Coach: Coach Grillo (jgrillo@nddons.org)

This week in volleyball

Meet Coach Grillo:

"I have been coaching freshman volleyball at Notre Dame for 5 years. I truly enjoy working with the freshman the most. They are not only learning the skills to be better volleyball players but they are learning about one another. Because they all come from different grade schools, they are now challenged with bringing their individual skills together and forming a new team. My goal is to provide a social setting for teamwork, cooperation and sportsmanship and to expose players to competitive situations that will further enhance their skills in preparation for the next level."

Week 2 Training Session:

Week 2: Watch this video for setting fundamentals:

Week 1 Training Session

Week 1: Watch this video for passing fundamentals: