Sam Evens, Math 60220, Basic Graduate Algebra, Spring 2024

MW 2-3:15, HH 229

Office hours: TBA, or after class, or by appointment.   You can arrange a meeting either by talking to me or by emailing me at sevens (at sign) nd (dot) edu to arrange  a meeting.


Some References:

Robert Ash, Abstract Algebra: The Basic Graduate Year.    This is available from Dover, but there are copies available on the web.

Serge Lang, Algebra, Revised 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag.

Michael Artin, Algebra , Prentice Hall.

D. Dummit and R. Foote, Abstract Algebra, Prentice Hall. 

Serre, Groupes Finis, course notes used for proofs of Sylow theorems

Notes by A. Myasnikov on free groups  provides more detail than Ash, V.5.8

Notes on classification of finitely generated modules over a PID, for last two lectures of fall semester 

Notes on separable extensions 

Notes on transcendence degree 

Notes on Cramer's rule 

Course Notes:

1-17 Notes  

1-22 Notes: more on finitely generated modules over a PiD 

1-24 Notes on tensor products 

1-29 Notes on Categories and Functors 

1-31 notes on exactness of Hom and Tensor Product 

2-5 Projective modules 

2-7 Injective modules 

2-12 Injective modules 

2-14 embeddings of injective modules 

2-19 Complexes and Ext 

2-21 Tor and Ext 

2-26 More on Tor and Ext 

2-28 Intro to Field Extensions 

3-4 Properties of degree; splitting fields 

3-6 Splitting Fields and Algebraic Extensions 

3-18 Algebraic closures and separable extensions 

3-20 Normal extensions 

3-25 Lecture on Normal Extensions 

4-3, Galois I 

4-8, Galois II 

4-10 and 4-15, Finite Fields 

4-17, solvability by radicals 

4-22 Lecture on Insolvability of Quintics 

4-24 transcendence degree 

4-29 Hilbert basis theorem and integral extensions 

5-1 on Integral Extensions 

Notes on Noether Normalization Lemma, did  not cover 

Notes on the Nullstellensatz, did not cover 

Problem Sets:

Problem Set 1, due Wednesday January 31 

Problem Set 2, due Wednesday February 7 

Problem Set 3, due Wednesday February 14 

Problem Set 4, due Wednesday February 21 

Problem Set 5, due Wednesday February 28 

Problem Set 6, due Wednesday March 6 

Problem Set 7, due Wednesday March 20 

Problem Set 8, due Wednesday April 3 

Problem Set 9, due Wednesday April 10 

Problem Set 10, due Wednesday April 17 

Problem Set 11, due Wednesday April 24 

Problem Set 12, due Wednesday May  1